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This pisses me off


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I do want the motorcyclists better look for me bumper sticker.

Why? You ask. Because I can't hear your loud pipes when you camp my blind spot while I've got the music cranking. Even when its not cranking I can't hear you. Also if your dumb crotch rocketing ass is "filtering" through traffic at 1.25 I won't see you till your next to me. I don't drive in my rearview. Just making sure the fucktards are warned. Me and any other responsible guy will have no trouble.

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What ignorant asses! My bestfriend lost her dad when some 18 year old turned into him. Excuse? He didn't see him. He got the whooping max penalty of 60 days in jail (thanks to a petition we got passed around and collected 5, 000 signatures) and restitution (funeral expenses). Then he even jokes about it 5 years later on his facebook page. That shit will get his.

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What ignorant asses! My bestfriend lost her dad when some 18 year old turned into him. Excuse? He didn't see him. He got the whooping max penalty of 60 days in jail (thanks to a petition we got passed around and collected 5, 000 signatures) and restitution (funeral expenses). Then he even jokes about it 5 years later on his facebook page. That shit will get his.

Said Facebook page please?

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Side rant:

Why is it people with baby on board stickers seem to tailgate, speed, not use turn signals, weave in and out of traffic like that sticker is their guardian angel while texting or talking on the phone.

To the op: people are stupid. I ride as if nobody sees me. I will give credit to that forum they have gathered a large group of ignorant people. I didn't read past the first couple. I passed a pickup with one of those stickers who proceded to try and keep upwith me and nearly hit me when I was turning right on another street.

Sorry to hear that slingchic. Our "justice" system sucks.

Edited by crb
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