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Guy on a hike with his son gets arrested for open carry of an AR15


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"Just because somebody has a firearm they are dangerous"? "Yes sir". :nono: A civil law suit should be filed against the police in this situation, appears like it was handled very poorly. Now had be been walking with his son carrying a .22 or a shotgun, I am betting there would've been little to no issue. Scary black gun, and the gentleman having his CHL in itself should be good enough. Now Texas does not have an open carry law, so I am sure that isn't helping the situation, even out in the country. His Son just got a lesson in life that is for sure. And you could obviously hear his son crying at the end, that is so messed up.

Edited by Pokey
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But Texas is...fyi

Only when asked for identification. If the cop had no legal means to check the guys id, I wouldn't think there is a duty to inform.... I don't know their exact laws, just what I've gathered from a quick search

Regardless, he wasn't charged for not informing, so the issue is pretty moot at this point

"Sec. 411.205. REQUIREMENT TO DISPLAY LICENSE. If a license holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the license holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by the department and the license holder's handgun license."

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He wasn't walking around a busy city trying to draw attention... He was on a rural hike in an area he claims to have coyotes and mountain lions... Not unreasonable to carry a weapon for protection.

Plus, it doesn't matter what people's reactions might be... He didn't break a law

Your train of thought is exactly the problem in this country right now.

Your last comment is absurd... "open carrying a semi automatic rifle, that could easily blow down a group of people"..... Umm.... Handguns can kill people too... They also have the same rate of fire (hence being semi auto).... You can also blow down a group of people with a car.. Guess those need banned too.... FFS....

I don't understand how citizens of this country are so ready to piss away their rights and freedoms for political correctness and protecting people's feelings

There's a huge difference in having rights and abusing them. An AR15 is much more destructive than your average handgun, and you know that. Stop being so butthurt.

If I decided to wear my pistol on my belt, in an immediately apparent fashion...I would expect some dirty looks, and possibly a police visit. Now, you walk around with a bigger, and more powerful looking gun(though that isn't always the case), it's going to stir up some issues.

If someone called about it, the officer is legally obligated to check it out. If I remember correctly, he is required the check if it fires, and to see if it is only semi-automatic, and not fully automatic.

I'm not saying that this guy was necessarily doing this for attention, but, what if he was in a populated city? Would the officer's reaction be any better in your opinion. Well, more warranted for that matter.

Fact of the matter is, we learned about these kind of guys all of the time in the academy. There's one in particular, can't recall his name at the moment. Basically walks around city streets with any kind of machine gun or rifle, with the sole purpose of drawing attention from police officers. He knows the law, so he records the entire interaction, then puts it on his website.

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There's a huge difference in having rights and abusing them. An AR15 is much more destructive than your average handgun, and you know that. Stop being so butthurt.

If I decided to wear my pistol on my belt, in an immediately apparent fashion...I would expect some dirty looks, and possibly a police visit. Now, you walk around with a bigger, and more powerful looking gun(though that isn't always the case), it's going to stir up some issues.

If someone called about it, the officer is legally obligated to check it out. If I remember correctly, he is required the check if it fires, and to see if it is only semi-automatic, and not fully automatic.

I'm not saying that this guy was necessarily doing this for attention, but, what if he was in a populated city? Would the officer's reaction be any better in your opinion. Well, more warranted for that matter.

Fact of the matter is, we learned about these kind of guys all of the time in the academy. There's one in particular, can't recall his name at the moment. Basically walks around city streets with any kind of machine gun or rifle, with the sole purpose of drawing attention from police officers. He knows the law, so he records the entire interaction, then puts it on his website.

Do what ifs even matter? He wasn't in a busy city. Not sure Wtf you're trying to prove? I didn't say nobody is guilty of it, I said this guy obviously wasn't prancing around a busy city looking for attention. He was on a hike minding his own business with his son.

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Again, if the officer did receive a call, he is obligated to check it out. Police Officers do not make the law. They have no part in it. However, even if they do not agree with a certain law, or rule, it is their job to enforce it. If someone calls and complains, he has to go check it out.

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Since when is open carrying considered abusing your rights?? Omg.. You're killing me... I have to get out of this thread to keep my sanity... It's like I'm talking to feinsteins son or something.... Whatever floats your boat guy, go ahead and give up your rights, I'll keep mine.

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There's a huge difference in having rights and abusing them. An AR15 is much more destructive than your average handgun, and you know that. Stop being so butthurt.

If I decided to wear my pistol on my belt, in an immediately apparent fashion...I would expect some dirty looks, and possibly a police visit. Now, you walk around with a bigger, and more powerful looking gun(though that isn't always the case), it's going to stir up some issues.

If someone called about it, the officer is legally obligated to check it out. If I remember correctly, he is required the check if it fires, and to see if it is only semi-automatic, and not fully automatic.

I'm not saying that this guy was necessarily doing this for attention, but, what if he was in a populated city? Would the officer's reaction be any better in your opinion. Well, more warranted for that matter.

Fact of the matter is, we learned about these kind of guys all of the time in the academy. There's one in particular, can't recall his name at the moment. Basically walks around city streets with any kind of machine gun or rifle, with the sole purpose of drawing attention from police officers. He knows the law, so he records the entire interaction, then puts it on his website.

Yes those kind of people are pricks, but this guy was out with his Son minding his own business. I fully believe that the officers were in the wrong this time, and I hope that the police camera's were recording the whole thing. It could've and should've been handled better by both parties, but I rule in favor of the Dad in this round. The AR was the culprit and attention getter in this situation, nothing else. Seriously....why can't people mind their own damn business.

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Again, if the officer did receive a call, he is obligated to check it out. Police Officers do not make the law. They have no part in it. However, even if they do not agree with a certain law, or rule, it is their job to enforce it. If someone calls and complains, he has to go check it out.

Checking it out isn't the problem. How he handled it is.

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I can tell you this, I've been in a contact situation with a cop 5 times now that I've had to inform..... 4 of them were total dicks for no reason. Of the 5 only 2 were I being stopped for something I did. 1 speed 1 exp tag "honest mistake 1 week after my birthday" 4 in 5 were total dicks the one that was not was State Patrol, the dicks were 3 local and 1 sheriff. In the Sheriffs defense I did have my dog with me and he was growling the whole time. However no reason to be a dick I will give benefit of doubt in that instance.

This situation here, I'm sure both are to blame but I see no reason to be arrested

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Since when is open carrying considered abusing your rights?? Omg.. You're killing me... I have to get out of this thread to keep my sanity... It's like I'm talking to feinsteins son or something.... Whatever floats your boat guy, go ahead and give up your rights, I'll keep mine.

Giving up=/=Not abusing.

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"Just because somebody has a firearm they are dangerous"? "Yes sir". :nono:

This comment right here tells me that the cops responded in an aggressive manner because it was an AR15.

The fact that the guy in the video stated that there were coyote's, as well as cougar in the area of the hike is justification alone to carry a weapon. I would also like to reiterate they asked him if it was loaded and he said no. You can see in the video when the officer handed the weapon over the second officer confirmed this by pulling the charging handle back.

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I'll also say people that open carry are attention whores and looking for trouble IMO. If you have your permit I see absolutely no reason you should open carry even though it is legal

I agree with you in most situations. But going on a hike in an area with deadly animals and taking along a long gun for protection, doesn't fall under attention whoring in my book. If it had been a shotgun or a bolt action rifle, there wouldn't have been an issue.

I trust an AR15 against a mountain lion more than I trust a sidearm.

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I can tell you this, I've been in a contact situation with a cop 5 times now that I've had to inform..... 4 of them were total dicks for no reason. Of the 5 only 2 were I being stopped for something I did. 1 speed 1 exp tag "honest mistake 1 week after my birthday" 4 in 5 were total dicks the one that was not was State Patrol, the dicks were 3 local and 1 sheriff. In the Sheriffs defense I did have my dog with me and he was growling the whole time. However no reason to be a dick I will give benefit of doubt in that instance.

This situation here, I'm sure both are to blame but I see no reason to be arrested

That doesn't surprise me at all, my buddy has had similar instances with similar results. The worst of which was a fat female CPD officer, she was a total man hating bitch that completely abused her authority for no reason. He did file a complaint with CPD by the way, and got an apology.

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So, if a cop simply walks up to you and tries to take your red t-shirt, he has a right to?

Open Carry = Legal = Right to Bear Arms

Red T-Shirt = Legal = Right to Expression

Legal... Illegal... Not seeing the grey area here...

Never know, though, you could use it to smother him!

... and yes I know each state is different. It is also Texas...

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I agree with you in most situations. But going on a hike in an area with deadly animals and taking along a long gun for protection, doesn't fall under attention whoring in my book. If it had been a shotgun or a bolt action rifle, there wouldn't have been an issue.

I trust an AR15 against a mountain lion more than I trust a sidearm.

Deadly animals are not a threat at rifle range. Shooting one at the range a rifle is needed is poaching, not defense of ones self or child. His side arm was sufficient. The rifle was over kill and trying to be a bad ass for his kid on the walk. IMO.

Reason for arrest no. He had the the Leo attention coming and deserved a stop. He had it coming. I don't agree with his action or the Leo action but he did it to himself and I doubt he will win any legal action

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Although, my ex gf did get approached by police with their guns drawn when she got stopped in my truck... Guess it just depends on the cop

This I could see getting PISSED about.

Ive had to inform 3 times. never even a second glance in any of them.

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