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Orphaned Kitten - Any Experiences?


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Alright, so I found this kitty laying outside of my apartments on the sidewalk, sprawled out and dirty and no nearby cats to call its mother. (No other kittens, either.)

Tried seeing if any of the wandering cats would notice it, but no...

So yeah, orphaned.


I went to the vet and had them tell me what to do, then went to Wal-Mart and got supplies. (Powdered cat milk, bottle and heat warmer.)

Went to my grandparents who have had a lot of cats and had them show me how to feed it and such.

Now she's laying like so, except with an extra blanket I put under the warmer and over the kitty.

Any experiences with doing this sort of thing? Tips?

My mom and I were planning on getting a kitten here soon anyways, so... kind of works out. Just with what sounds like a lot more work for the first while! Hoping she'll make it!


Edited by Bitani
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Never had one that needed a bottle, but sounds like your doing fine. Cats are awesome, I have 2 myself and 2 dogs.

*shrug* Both the vet and the Internet (but more importantly the vet..) said a bottle is needed for a kitten this young. The workers at the vet think she was born today, which is quite believable considering she still had some of her cord attached.

Yeah, I've had multiple dogs but never a cat. I'd like something that's smart enough to find its way around the couch for once. :rolleyes:

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Dogs are a pain to live with. Very needy too.

Also, by me never having to bottle feed one was me saying I've had kittens but never that young. ;)

Oh, I figured that haha. Didn't mean you didn't know cats or anything. :p

We put down our miniature yorkie a month or two ago and this house has been kind of lonely! I want a cool-looking, chill cat to sit and watch me program and shit. :cool:

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It's going to be alot of work and alot of meowing. You have to "poop" them aka take a wet warm rag and rub their but with it until they poo. Their mothers usually do this and if you don't it will die.

Really? Damn, that is a stressful situation. I'll stick to waiting till they ween off their mother.

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We raised one the same way, he's now 15. You might be better off with a dropper for feeding ours couldnt work the bottle for a few days. After feeding rub the belly. You ever see a mamma cat lick the kittens belly after titty time. Stimulates the digestive tract

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It's going to be alot of work and alot of meowing. You have to "poop" them aka take a wet warm rag and rub their but with it until they poo. Their mothers usually do this and if you don't it will die.

lol :wtf:... Well anyways I never had to do this. My mom just recently turned into a cat person. She has taken care of about 30 kittens right when they were born. Mothers usually get hit by cars or killed by the local coyote. Kittens were eaten in the night by it as well. but sad in all we saved one from the madness. Thats Scotch we raised him day one and he is now 3 years old now. This by in my opinion is the best type of cat. Have been a cat owner for a long time and my current cat is 16 years old. We got her from a breeder as a kitten. Ok cat and mean as hell. But scotch is the best cat. I never rubbed his pooper down or rubed his belly. He is still alive and healthy. He had an eye infection when he was 2 days old and the local na vet gave us medicine. I love my cat and good to see you get one. Take care of it. Rub its butt and tummy.

Edited by Mr Anderson
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So glad you included the additional instruction... May have saved someone from quite the embarrassing situation. :wtf:

"Why didn't kitty live?"

"I uh.. forgot to make it poop.."

It's going to be alot of work and alot of meowing. You have to "poop" them aka take a wet warm rag and rub their but with it until they poo. Their mothers usually do this and if you don't it will die.

Yeah, every 2-3 hours for feeding... not excited about the first few weeks, but it's too darn cute not to do.

When I talked to the vet she had told me to feed it powder instead of liquid, how to "make it go," etc. and gave me a print-out which is helping.

I'm really just worried about the first couple of days. If she makes it past like a week I'll be feelin' purty good.

If not, then, well.. I think this girl that is like infatuated with how I'm treating the kitten will hate me for life, along with a few other animal-loving FB friends. :cry:

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lol :wtf:... Well anyways I never had to do this. My mom just recently turned into a cat person. She has taken care of about 30 kittens right when they were born. Mothers usually get hit by cars or killed by the local coyotte. Kittens were eaten in the night by it as well. but sad in all we saved one from the madness. Thats Scotch we raised him day one and he is now 3 years old now. This by in my opinion is the best type of cat. Have been a cat owner for a long time and my current cat is 16 years old. We got her from a breeder as a kitten. Ok cat and mean as hell. But scotch is the best cat. I never rubbed his pooper down or rubed his belly. He is still alive and healthy. He had an eye infection when he was 2 days old and the local na vet gave us medicine. I love my cat and good to see you get one. Take care of it. Rub its butt and tummy.

I kind of was thinking if I could pull this off, this would be the best cat. COMPLETELY domesticated. Nice to hear it works out for some.

Plus, feral blood.. I mean, come on, I want to make sure this thing isn't one of those "OOH COUCH GOODBYE DAY" cats.

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I kind of was thinking if I could pull this off, this would be the best cat. COMPLETELY domesticated. Nice to hear it works out for some.

Plus, feral blood.. I mean, come on, I want to make sure this thing isn't one of those "OOH COUCH GOODBYE DAY" cats.

lol ikr. Scotch is just afraid of strangers but he loves his family and he is smart. But yeah he is a coward lol. But once he gets to know someone he is the best cat I have owned. Mom still has like 7 kittens in the garage as well. The mom is still alive. I dont live with mom but cats have taken over the house. :nono:

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lol ikr. Scotch is just afraid of strangers but he loves his family and he is smart. But yeah he is a coward lol. But once he gets to know someone he is the best cat I have owned. Mom still has like 7 kittens in the garage as well. The mom is still alive. I dont live with mom but cats have taken over the house. :nono:

Going off to college next year, that is my fear for my mom. :p

Empty Nest Syndrome. She jokes about "partying" when I'm gone, but I know she'll just sit and watch the DVR 12 hours a day. She even went as far as to BUY SOMETHING OFF AN INFOMERCIAL yesterday!

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Not exactly where I was going with that...Was more of a gerbil reference. The sick and twisted might get it (I certainly didn't :D).


You only have to poop them for a little while. I did it with 2 kittens from the humain society and they ended up dieing from flees :( good luck with your little guy.

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My buddy raised one like this, used an eye dropper. If you ween it too early it will nurse on blankets or whatever it finds for the rest of its life. . Our calico nurses from the dog and she's 3 yrs old, was weaned too soon when we got her. Good luck, I hope little kitty pulls thru.

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I found a surrogate mother on Craigslist to take care of the kitten. After all the research I did today, I just don't think I have the time to feed it ever 2/3 hours for a month. Pizza delivery and working until 5 am is bad enough with school! Plus, everything points to having an actual feline mother being a helluva lot better for the kitten.

BUT I am now looking on Craigslist also to find some 8-12 week old kitties that are old enough to where I don't feel like I have a child at 18 years old. Having this kitten was just too darn cute.

Edited by Bitani
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Very good of you to take it in and care for it so well.

I never had cats growing up (always dogs), but we have 3 now and I love the little furballs. It's certainly a different experience from owning a dog, but I really enjoy them as pets.

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