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Hypothetical question


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If you had a a friend that you associated with but yet they were more of an aquaintence than a really good friend, suddenly just drop off the face of the earth so to speak. (It turns out they committed suicide)

Would you rather know they were dead or not know and just wonder why they never come around anymore?

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It would be nice to know.

Or if they got married and moved away or moved for a job / career. Just for those nights when the topic is "what ever happened to..........."

If they were not a close friend, it would not really matter if they were alive or dead.

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I kind of had this happen recently. One of the sailors I was assigned to my last command with got out a few months after I did, I never heard from him but had always wandered what happened to him. I found out on March 15 that on Feb 21 he had committed suicide by hanging. I didnt think I would be that up set, but the more i thought about him the more upset I had gotten. We had some really good times on the shore leave times we had with the division, he was always a lively guy, always looked at the good in everything. It actually effected me in a way that I cant explain.

In your situation I think I would want to know. Since losing one of my sailors, ive been doing all I can to get back in touch with a lot of them that ive lost touch with.

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better to know, good or bad. knowing prevents a possible "oops, i feel like sh!t" moment.

been there, back in November - friend at work. No one, not even his closest friend, had any clue whatsoever.

it gets better with time. never (probably) completely good, but better.

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