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Ron Paul Makes Too Much Sense To Be A Politician


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Sad part, the US does think US citizens are the enemy. Patriot Act is an abomination and anyone that voted Cheney into office, twice, should be ashamed. Utah data center, phone records, domestic drones are all examples of failed foreign policy and personal greed.

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No Snowden released classified information to the world, not just to the American public.  Don't you think that Al-Qaeda, North Korea, etc. are a part of the world?  Plus he has threated to release more.

Second, anyone who has held a government clearance understands that it is VERY clear what you can and cannot discuss or release to the public.  He violated those rules and should suffer the consequences of that decision.  He is not a patriot he is a criminal.

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I love what this man did.

I love my country, but I sure as hell h473 my government.

I really think most people and a lot even here, actually believe are warped school history books and what John Stewart /StevenColbert says and worship msnbc.

Our founding fathers would never have spied on citizens nor allowed anyone to have the technology within the government to do it without a warrant,

Yes our country had some issues and still does, such as allowing slavery, BUT... All other countries still allowed slavery and blacks I'm Africa were the ones selling Americans other blacks, to use as slaves, and don't get me started on the actual percentage of true slave owners, and the even smaller percent of violent ones, but anyway back on topic.

It doesn't matter if Bush, Bush 1, Clinton or Obama started it, someone needed to stand up and make it aware.


I just don't get it. I'd love to sit down with someone who thinks this young man needs punished for what he did and share a beer, so I make this offer.

If you believe Snowden should be punished for his actions, I will take you it and buy you a beer or 2 to discuss this.

I just can't believe the number of people that thinks he needs punished... I have no words for it right now besides it deeply saddens me in my heart to know that people are really willing to give up freedom for security.

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