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$#%& this world!


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I still can't believe Heidi (the friend) was wanting to lose her virginity to my g/f and I, it was AWESOME!. Though it didn't happen. :(

2 girls on 1 guy...sweet. 2 girls alone....not. Gay love...not. :D

No offense dude, but that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

If your stripper g/f and this chick had started going at it with out you involved would you have freaked out and called them homos? HELL NO. If you're a man, you would have sat and watched in quiet fascination, most likely with your hand in your pants. :popcorn:

All this talk about fags and dykes is just stupid. I dont care for homosexuallity, but I have bigger things to worry about than 2 queers wanting to be together. I'd rather them do what they do than trying to live "normal" lives with the wife (or husband) and kids who get fucked up when the who charade inevitably implodes. Let the fags be. They arent hurting anybody and if they have to answer to God, thats their business. The worst kind of religious person is the one who has to tell everyone how right they are and how wrong everyone else is. Get a life VMX.:slap:

And that Old Greg is some seriously fucked up creepy shit.:eek:

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This thread totally took an interesting turn while I was at work today. Lizard, well said on all your points. Bunny, way to pull the "girl on girl porn" card. I was waiting for somebody to do that. As for you Nick, the spelling guru, you had a mistake in one of your earlier posts today:

I had nothing to do with it to set the record straight...Don't put it all one me.:postcop:
"On" and "One" are both Dolch sight words learned prior to the start of first grade. :D:boxing:
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I am too lazy to go back and look, but the minister who said being OK with homosexuality is the same as being OK with a pedophile, or a necrophiliac (spelling? I am not trying to look up the spelling of THAT word at work)...is he for real? I mean, I understand what you are TRYING to say, but come on. A pedophile is committing an act against an innocent child..he's actively HARMING someone else. A necro is actively HARMING/DESECRATING a corpse (who, by the way, has no say in the matter. Having said that, if I'm dead and Halie Berry wants to mount me, please...let her be). Both of these acts are against parties who are either too young or too dead to know any better. Being in a gay relationship is a mutual, consentual arrangement. If you think they are both going to Hell, so be it. You are entitled to that opinion. But trying to compare someone committing a crime against a child or a corpse, to a homosexual is just ignorant. He isn't FORCING his homosexuality on YOU or anyone else!!


Exactly, well said. WTF???:rolleyes:

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Just give up on vodka altogether.


My 15 year old son came out not too long ago, thing is I guess I've known for about ten years or so by the way he acts, reacts, the way he moves and who knows...maybe gaydar. Sometimes, you can just tell. Gays often do follow some stereotypes just being themselves and how butch dykes often are built like guys leads me to believe that there is at least a genetic component, but probably much more going on.

Do I love him any less? No, that's just who he is and always has been.

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If your stripper g/f and this chick had started going at it with out you involved would you have freaked out and called them homos? HELL NO. If you're a man, you would have sat and watched in quiet fascination, most likely with your hand in your pants. :popcorn:

I would've walked over with my dick in my hand. :lol::lol: I wouldn't be able to resist. Ofcourse this was in 2000 (8years ago) actually back in MAY, because that night stained my head. I wouldn't do anything now because I'm happily married and my wife is all I need in life.:D

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God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve

But....... if he had created Adam, Eve AND Sarah do you think Adam would have made a big fuss about them two getting all touchy feely? :nono: NO!!!!!!!

Mayby there was a Steve but he did not get a very big part in the bible story.

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God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve

Your God may not be the same god someone else prays to.

Who's to say YOUR god is the only god...or the TRUE god? Maybe there isn't a god?

I'm not saying there is or isn't one..I'm just making a point.

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Your God may not be the same god someone else prays to.

Who's to say YOUR god is the only god...or the TRUE god? Maybe there isn't a god?

I'm not saying there is or isn't one..I'm just making a point.

Atleast you know you will burn in hell!! point well made!!:lol:

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