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$#%& this world!


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Just because TIME goes by, it doesn't automatically make something right. That's as rediculous as saying, "Oh, it's 2008, murder is ok nowadays.":nono:

We even have a cousin down in Florida who is a lesbian and when she came up here for the family reunion, my aunt and others told her that we don't appreciate her type here and she should leave. It was fucked up, but endorsing it is even worse. It is WRONG! There's a reason why they can't have babies....because it's not meant to be!!

In my opinion....and it's just an opinion because obviously I'm not in your family..

Your family should love your cousin no matter who or what she is. They may not agree with her lifestyle, but to excommunicate her like that to me is worse behavior. So, your family loves everyone as long as they fall in line with their beliefs? Not a knock on you and your loved ones..just a far away observation.

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It doesn't matter to me. She's not normal in my eyes. It's sad.

So, because in your eyes she isn't 'normal', that gives you the right to basically kick her out the family? I feel sorry for her..she has got to have some deep seated hatred for you and your family. A lot of people end up doing harm to themselves or others because of the 'support' (or lack of) they receive from their 'non approving' family members. Again, you don't have to like it..but that doesn't mean you have to act like she doesn't exist.

I'm guessing you are basing your 'it's wrong' on some religious beliefs? I'm betting that same bible or whatever you read has something to say about treating fellow humans, let alone FAMILY members, the way you are.

WHen you say she's not 'normal', that's the same excuse and thinking that cause different religions and races to hate and kill each other. Think about it.

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Just because TIME goes by, it doesn't automatically make something right. That's as rediculous as saying, "Oh, it's 2008, murder is ok nowadays.":nono:

We even have a cousin down in Florida who is a lesbian and when she came up here for the family reunion, my aunt and others told her that we don't appreciate her type here and she should leave. It was fucked up, but endorsing it is even worse. It is WRONG! There's a reason why they can't have babies....because it's not meant to be!!

What I am saying is more like slavery vs. murder. Murder and ending a life is wrong and always has been. We're actually more resilient to murder than we were 200 years ago...

As far as the old school comment, you pretty much verified it with the whole "We told her we didn't appreciate her kind" response. You don't happen to live in a mobile home, do you?:rolleyes:

Your attitude is ridiculous. The whole promoting and advertising and such is iffy, but people are people and it shouldn't matter what they prefer that gets judged.

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Man, I'm ashamed you guys are bikers who support homosexuality. That is sad. Talk about denouncing your manhood. I respect women and their right to vote, that has nothing to do with it. But, I will never support a gay woman on any issue. Same with a gay man.

Actually I grew up on 2 acres of land next to Ceaserscreek lake in a brand new built house Lizard.;) My dad was a CFO of DFAS and my mom was a realtor. Gay is wrong and they get no respect ever from me! This world is so fucked up nowadays. I blame it on Hollywood, I really do.

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i actually believe society has become more accepting towards it only because we are tired of hearing about it.

now dont get me wrong and throw me in the burn pile for being a homo hatin sum-bitch quite yet!

its like when that govenor from new york cheated on his wife. twenty or thirty years ago he would have pretty much been hung out to dry, but now a days not many americans gave two shits cuz it happens way to often. nick is part of the population that hasnt become as calase as the rest of the population. its just shoved in our face to much by the media and hollywood.

i think i just agreed with nick some but at the same time lizard you have a great point with the slavery comment, so i think i agree to disagree with everyone and have my own opinion.

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Man, I'm ashamed you guys are bikers who support homosexuality. That is sad. Talk about denouncing your manhood. I respect women and their right to vote, that has nothing to do with it. But, I will never support a gay woman on any issue. Same with a gay man.

First of all just because i am not against it doesnt mean i support it. Secondly because i really dont give a shit if someone is gay that is denouncing my manhood??? That could be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard.

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Wow NinjaNick, wow. What do you base normalcy on? Is it considered normal to be this overly aggressive and hateful toward a certain group of people, which I'm assuming, has done nothing more to offend you than to exist in the first place? Does this mean, since you're the epitomy of normal and all, that you (and your family) shun anybody that's different from you and/or doesn't fit the mold? Nobody chooses to be gay, they're born that way. Just like you didn't choose to be an asshole, you were just born that way. Karma is going to kick you hard in the ass one day...I'm guessing in the form of being run over by a Gay Pride float.

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First of all just because i am not against it doesnt mean i support it. Secondly because i really dont give a shit if someone is gay that is denouncing my manhood??? That could be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard.

:plus1: and :whogives:

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Wow NinjaNick, wow. What do you base normalcy on? Is it considered normal to be this overly aggressive and hateful toward a certain group of people, which I'm assuming, has done nothing more to offend you than to exist in the first place? Does this mean, since you're the epitomy of normal and all, that you (and your family) shun anybody that's different from you and/or doesn't fit the mold? Nobody chooses to be gay, they're born that way. Just like you didn't choose to be an asshole, you were just born that way. Karma is going to kick you hard in the ass one day...I'm guessing in the form of being run over by a Gay Pride float.

It's epitome because epitomy isn't a word. Anyways, are you fucking kidding me? What are you a lesbian yourself coach? Nobody is born gay you dumb ass! :lol: Wow, please just shut-up like you have been for months now.;) Oh, I choose to be an asshole, because it's idiots like you that have turned me that way. It's fucked up little warped minds like yours that created the ridiculous society I share with your retarded self.

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I'm so sorry for my spelling mistake. Congrats to you for taking the extra 10 seconds to look it up on dictionary.com. Well done. I guess you have to grasp for the little things like that to make you feel better about yourself. If people aren't born gay, then tell me why they end up that way? You appear to be all-knowing, so I'd love to hear your theory on this professor. Perhaps after being with you they decide, "This sucks. This is terrible. I'm going to the ladies!" So, maybe you're the one turning them gay?

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Oh, Nick, have a wonderful day at your homo-loving employer, Kodak. I heard they're changing casual Friday to gay awareness day now. You'll be required to wear rainbow-colored clothing to work on Fridays to show support for the gay businesses and organizations they've hopped on board with.

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I have to say that I agree with Nick. As a Christian minister I believe that homosexuality is a sin, regardless of sex. It is clearly identified as an abomination before God in many places in the Holy Bible.

Now before you all flame me. I do not go out of my way to make gay and lesbians feel bad about themselves. It is not for me to judge them......."judge not lest ye be judged".

I do however feel that your sexual preference is none of my business. It is definitely none of the governments business. No laws should be made protecting anyones sexual preference. There are no laws on the books making it illegal to say anything about me being a heterosexual. A gay man can call me names all he wants and nothing would be done. Call him a "fag" or "queer" and you're in for a lawsuit.

Nick has a right to feel the way he does, just as you have a right to feel the way you do. He is right that the loosening of morals in today's society will be the downfall of this great nation. When it becomes acceptable to take away the rights of the majority for the sake of the few, the downward spiral is begun.

Tolerance is one thing. I tolerate homosexuals because not to do so would label me a hate monger and homo-phobe. Neither is the case, but watch it in the media. I'd be a monster in their eyes. Nick would be blasted as a replacement for Hitler in todays media. Is it true? Some of you on the forum now him personally. Is he a good guy or a tyrant?

It's easier to "go with the flow" on this issue. It's "in style" to be gay. I'm sorry to say that I will be hopelessly out of fashion if that's the case, I like women too much for that. I really don't think that a day will come when I can look at a hairy ass in a speedo and think to myself "Wow that looks good".

Homosexuals will have to answer for their ways on the day of judgment. Until that time, I will point them in the right direction without my personal feelings getting in the way. God gave us his laws. He gave us a blueprint for living a good and spiritual life. If we chose to disobey them, then it's on your own soul.

Oh, I forgot. Atheism is "in style" too, so I guess I'm preaching to myself....and Nick.

Nick, Don't worry about your dislike of homosexuals. You are not alone. God is a good ally.


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