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Who Says Cops Aren't Smart?


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Hmmm, according to that department's approach I would have been bored out of mind being a cop.  I guess it's good thing it didn't work out back in '09 out in CDA, Idaho with the local PD.  

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your sig kills me, whats it from lol


I don't know what it's from, TBH.  I found it on another forum in a gun rights discussion shortly after the Newtown shooting and being part Texan, gun lover, and hater of everything liberal, had to start using it.  

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I don't know what it's from, TBH.  I found it on another forum in a gun rights discussion shortly after the Newtown shooting and being part Texan, gun lover, and hater of everything liberal, had to start using it.  


its just the irony - Texas state line and they have automatic's and wave by some riders  - Texas has the express lane when it comes to capital punishment lol

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...New London police interviewed only candidates who

scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored

too high could get bored with police work...


The real reason is that they don't want people as officiers

with the mental capacity to think for themselves, as it's

become increasingly common knowledge that the courts

and government agencies are corrupt and simply want

mindless robots in positions of enforcement.



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Cops have a hard job regardless of how smart they are or how much training they have, and they're supposed to be street-ready after 6 months at the academy.  That's the first problem.


We expect near perfection from them, which isn't fair to begin with, but also consider:


- up until pretty recently, it was rare for a patrol officer to have a 4-year degree.  That's a LARGE portion of active-duty officers who have a high school education.


- police officers are often making split-second decisions that we have the benefit of examining in our own sweet time.


- the paycheck doesn't attract the absolute best and brightest, unless they're particularly motivated by some other factor.


- officers need to be the right balance of brave, and calm.  The ideal temperament for a police officer is pretty rare to encounter, so by definition, you're getting a lot of less-than-ideal candidates, no matter how well they score on the civil servants test, or in the police academy.  You need people who are very competent, but also willing to have someone spit in their face, and not take it personally. 

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