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Who All Has An In Home Security System?


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I live by St. Anne's in cbus and we have had a lot of break-ins lately in my apartment complex. Our complex manager decided to put a notice on our doors about it.


I do have several guns, several 4 inch + blade knives, batons, OC, & baseball bats strategically placed around my apartment.


The issue is, these fuck wad's are breaking in during the day when no one is home. I do have renter's insurance & a safe that I keep my valuables in. But I don't want to deal with potentially filing a claim w my insurance company and having my insurance go up.


Who all has security systems in their home, and what do u like/dislike about them? I'm considering getting one.




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One is plenty, but I've used as many as two of these. Power failure proof, if you forget the key, and have to climb in, they have homeowner DNA scent recognition, granted they go off occasionally but no monthly fee and no battery back up needed. 




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One is plenty, but I've used as many as two of these. Power failure proof, if you forget the key, and have to climb in, they have homeowner DNA scent recognition, granted they go off occasionally but no monthly fee and no battery back up needed. 




The problem with them are they are not "supposed" to be human aggressive. They my be powerful and have a loud bark most wouldn't bother an intruder.

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Apartments are tough. You're going to have to go with a fully wireless system, like a Simon.


Buy and install one of these and I can do your monitoring.

Don't be an igit and plan to have it just call your phone. That never works out the way people think it will.

Edited by max power
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MP you better still be doing this in a few years cause my next place is going to have one and you'll be required to travel to CLE to install one for me :D

At this point I'm suggesting you either buy a wireless unit and install it yourself or have someone else install it and I monitor it. I just don't have the time these days to install a system.

That may change in the future, but right now there just isn't time in my world.

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At this point I'm suggesting you either buy a wireless unit and install it yourself or have someone else install it and I monitor it. I just don't have the time these days to install a system.

That may change in the future, but right now there just isn't time in my world.


well unless I somehow come into a large chunk of money, it'll be 4-5 years down the road but I know how the busy schedules go


Also, I just realized in 4-5 years you might be retired with your AARP card so plenty of free time :D

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I wish.

If I could make the alarm biz work as adequate regular income I'd do it full time in a heartbeat. Problem is, everybody out there thinks they're an alarm expert because they can buy the parts on the Internet. Combine that with the fact that people are more than willing to pay 35 or 40 bucks a month for monitoring to get a "free" system from the conglomos that is locked and can't be used by any other alarm company and the whole biz becomes a PITA.

The margins are way too thin for a little guy to make it.

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