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Psa - Please Don't Text And Drive, No Really.


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  On 8/3/2013 at 8:20 PM, KZ900 said:

I am glad the baby is ok. She should lose her license and her mother card. Sounds like she is too immature  to drive or be a Mom. Seriously what type of idiot texts and tailgates while they are pregnant and due any minute. I guess she will have to kill someone to learn. Did she hurt the person she hit and are they suing you? If they do is she going to admit she was texting?


News flash, fucktard, you're the idiot here and your subsequent posts don't help you prove your point.


It is one thing to do something foolish - we've all done it - but it's another to say that someone is unfit to be a mother without justifiable evidence.  Accidents happen for a myriad of reasons and if we can walk away alive, we have a chance to learn something valuable.  


You also have something to learn from this thread about this community and I suggest that you learn it.  

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  On 8/4/2013 at 4:14 PM, magley64 said:

Not it's not fine because I "say so" it's fine because I know how to drive, and I can judge the appropriate level of concentration required for different driving conditions...

Just because some people clearly lack the skill to do something, doesn't mean everyone lacks the skill to do it.

 You made my point exactly. You can do whatever you want and its ok because you have determined that you are the best so its ok. 

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  On 8/4/2013 at 4:56 PM, baptizo said:

News flash, fucktard, you're the idiot here and your subsequent posts don't help you prove your point.


It is one thing to do something foolish - we've all done it - but it's another to say that someone is unfit to be a mother without justifiable evidence.  Accidents happen for a myriad of reasons and if we can walk away alive, we have a chance to learn something valuable.  


You also have something to learn from this thread about this community and I suggest that you learn it.  


She does it all the time and does not listen to her husband. So what you are saying is that a fit mother tailgates and texts after countless warnings from her husband. Not only is she unsafe she knows whats best for her and the unborn child. She like magley is so good at texting and driving they have determined whats right for them. Of course until she rear ends a guy on 270. magley can do it so long as he does not hit someone. Because he knows whats best for him. And when he hits someone he will find some excuse to justify it. 


What are we supposed to tell these people as they get behind the wheel of a car? Be careful texting and tailgating? Its OK if you Fuck up and hit someone its just a simple mistake Honey try not to do it again. Maybe next time she can add a couple beers. She knows her limit. 


This is not foolish activity or a mistake it is a deliberate decision to do what she wanted after countless warnings FROM HER HUSBAND! Did I read the original post correctly? Am I missing something? 


Would you let this person drive your children or your pregnant wife around? Would you want her tailgating you. Its OK she knows best for you don't worry she wont hit you trust me.........OOPS $6000 in damage. 

If she or magley was doing something that only endangered themselves I would not have issue. This is not the case. 


And I am The FUCKTARD! Not the ones breaking the law and endangering others.

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  On 8/4/2013 at 10:07 PM, jbot said:

Wait wait, when Jesus saved Mary Magdalene from the stoners, did he tell her to get her bitch ass back into the kitchen? He did, am I right?


Said....."get your sweet ass in there and make some unleavened bread"!

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  On 8/4/2013 at 4:14 PM, magley64 said:

Not it's not fine because I "say so" it's fine because I know how to drive, and I can judge the appropriate level of concentration required for different driving conditions...

Just because some people clearly lack the skill to do something, doesn't mean everyone lacks the skill to do it.


Oxymoron.....................or just plain moron.

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  On 8/4/2013 at 10:33 PM, magley64 said:

It's not fine because of what is said, it's fine because of what I've demonstrated with my driving record.


That is what you think, nobody can safely text and drive or talk and drive..................NOBODY. And most that cause an accident from doing so are not the ones that get hurt, it is the innocent ones that get the brunt. The safe little world that you live in most be blissful, either that or you should try wandering more than an hour way from where you live in any direction more often. Everything and anything with you is all fine and dandy, unless it "finally or eventually" catches up with you in a negative fashion.

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  On 8/4/2013 at 10:48 PM, Pokey said:

That is what you think, nobody can safely drive.


Here, fixed it for you....


I've demonstrated my skills with my driving record. When you can provide a shred of evidence that my skills aren't sufficient, feel free to dispute my claim, until then your argument is simply "I can't handle it, so nobody can".

Edited by magley64
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  On 8/4/2013 at 11:18 PM, magley64 said:

Here, fixed it for you....


I've demonstrated my skills with my driving record. When you can provide a shred of evidence that my skills aren't sufficient, feel free to dispute my claim, until then your argument is simply "I can't handle it, so nobody can".


No surprise there.....................

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  On 8/4/2013 at 11:18 PM, magley64 said:

Here, fixed it for you....


I've demonstrated my skills with my driving record. When you can provide a shred of evidence that my skills aren't sufficient, feel free to dispute my claim, until then your argument is simply "I can't handle it, so nobody can".


You also neglect to mention its illegal. But again you determine what is right for you. Because you say so. Laws, common sense, and others safety do not apply the the Great magley64 because his infamous record of driving says so. If he says his record is perfect he will not and can not be made to follow common human law. It is the Law According to magley64. Please bow in his presence THE WORLDS GREATEST TEXTER AND DRIVER! He sees through his eyelids while he reads. I am pretty sure he was bit by a spider which has given him special powers. He is the most interesting man in the world. He actually invented texting. 

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  On 8/4/2013 at 11:35 PM, KZ900 said:

You also neglect to mention its illegal. But again you determine what is right for you. Because you say so. Laws, common sense, and others safety do not apply the the Great magley64 because his infamous record of driving says so. If he says his record is perfect he will not and can not be made to follow common human law. It is the Law According to magley64. Please bow in his presence THE WORLDS GREATEST TEXTER AND DRIVER! He sees through his eyelids while he reads. I am pretty sure he was bit by a spider which has given him special powers. He is the most interesting man in the world. He actually invented texting.

I do plenty of illegal shit, just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's wrong... just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right...

It might seem like a super power to you, but it's really pretty simple. I look at my surroundings, and driving conditions and make a judgement regarding the odds of something entering my path within the next few seconds. If I have a reasonable confidence that my path will remain clear for the forseeable future, I hold my phone near my primary gaze, and switch my screen from peripheral to primary, and back every second or 2... it's really not rocket surgery.

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  On 8/4/2013 at 5:27 PM, blue03636 said:

All I have to add is that if mads wife gets to meet kz, I will pray for a quick death for you.

God I hope the same for me if she ever get's really pissed off.  Some of the shit she says she'd do to a "bad person" wiggs me out.  And I'm pretty psycho and sick in the head.


But no worries, I knew KZ wasn't directly insulting or name calling, however this thread has made my weekend a hella lot more interesting to follow up and read.  There are definitely a few different views, and I think it's good we are able to express this.


I also appreciate everyone's thoughts on the wife/baby being okay, that's of course the main thing.  The other driver was definitely fine also and glad that was the case.

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  On 8/1/2013 at 11:52 PM, Dying Shadow said:

I got something called smart actions that's on my droid and has a action called drive, never used it but supposed to cut ur volume whenur in motion or some shit.

The Galaxy s3&4 have driving mode where it will read calls and texts out loud so you don't need to take eyes off the road to check it. 

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  On 8/5/2013 at 1:46 AM, Isaac said:

My wife backed our car into a tree. She wasn't even texting. I guess she's just fucking stupid. :dunno:

Maybe she was having an off day, or maybe driving isn't her forte...i don't think the skill of driving is indicative of overall intelligence...Nascar drivers seem pretty good at it but they talk like fucking dipshits.

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Who said they just text and drive while no one is around?

Route 36 in Pa, sunday, 11AM  coming home, I had to wait 20 some minutes for the tow truck to drag the car that hit a pole, then came to rest in the MIDDLE of the road. 

Waited till today to post, called my GF, the doctor on call at the hospital to see if she knew what happened.

I asked if she could scan the report and send it to me, can't..f'ing illegal for some reason.

Kid went off road texting, just for a second, best part he said to the cops, it was ok, no one was around! 

If you text and drive, you're a fucking moron. End of story. 

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  On 8/5/2013 at 10:52 AM, Medina said:

Who said they just text and drive while no one is around?

Route 36 in Pa, sunday, 11AM  coming home, I had to wait 20 some minutes for the tow truck to drag the car that hit a pole, then came to rest in the MIDDLE of the road. 

Waited till today to post, called my GF, the doctor on call at the hospital to see if she knew what happened.

I asked if she could scan the report and send it to me, can't..f'ing illegal for some reason.

Kid went off road texting, just for a second, best part he said to the cops, it was ok, no one was around! 

If you text and drive, you're a fucking moron. End of story. 

But magley64 has super texting powers. He told me so and it must be true. Because he said so. And what ever he says goes.

Edited by KZ900
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crap, that is way more than I'd have guessed

all the bike accidents that happened just this last weekend in Ohio.

surely none were texting related, right?


You knew this, right?




The two states where the courts have ruled on this issue, and in which Prof. Carroll has practiced, have been split in their rulings.  Ohio’s supreme court ruled that temporary cellphone seizure after crashes is constitutional.  Washington State’s highest court to have ruled on the issue concluded that the practice is unconstitutional.  Florida’s supreme court also deemed the practice unconstitutional.

Read more: http://pix11.com/2013/06/10/should-a-cop-be-able-to-seize-your-cell-phone-after-accidents/#ixzz2b5lkATb6


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  On 8/5/2013 at 10:59 AM, KZ900 said:

But magley64 has super texting powers. He told me so and it must be true. Because he said so. And what ever he says goes.

I wasn't directing that comment at anyone directly. (I just read the previous two pages and realized he did say that.   but anyone claiming they can text safely is asking me to dismiss reality and thousands of police reports to accept that. 

The kid across the street claims he can text and its no problem. He's about 30-32. \

He actually told me that the new law will increase accidents because everyone is trying to hide the phone while they text. Where as before he could hold it out in front of him over the steering wheel...

When I was in my 20's, I thought I could have 3-4 drinks and be ok to drive. Never had an accident drinking and driving, got pulled over, but back then, if you could hold your head straight, they asked how far you had to go..whew!

I carry when I drive, hope if some texter hits me, he kills me, cause I'm going to claim self defense, got attacked with a car and I do fear for my life on a bike seeing assholes texting.

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