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The Unstung Hero


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How about this - I'll point a camera at my junk and wait for a hornet to land on it.  You in?


The camera on my bike shows nothing worth looking at - just me stopping.  bo-ring.


Nah, the statistical odds of this happening twice is almost as small as.....well, MidgetTodd....but let's not go there!


I was more interested in whether or not we had video (minor wobble, then the slam on the brakes, and seeing you do some sort of dance while fanning a hornet away from your junk) or some audio ('AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!')....  

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speaking of which, i see videos online of people riding and talking on their bikes, and their voice comes in surprisingly clear even at speed.  what setup are they using to film that? do they have a go pro and a mic wired into their helmet or something?

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speaking of which, i see videos online of people riding and talking on their bikes, and their voice comes in surprisingly clear even at speed.  what setup are they using to film that? do they have a go pro and a mic wired into their helmet or something?

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Slow speed and an open-face helmet may explain clearer voice. 


If I was going to vlog while riding I'd use a gopro and then run the microphone for my intercom into a voice recorder.  I'd use my vido processing software (Sony Vegas HD) to overlay/blend the voice recorder audio with the gopro audio to give nice clear speech. 

Edited by Scruit
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Slow speed and an open-face helmet may explain clearer voice. 


If I was going to vlog while riding I'd use a gopro and then run the microphone for my intercom into a voice recorder.  I'd use my vido processing software (Sony Vegas HD) to overlay/blend the voice recorder audio with the gopro audio to give nice clear speech. 


We wouldn't want to clearly hear you yelling "Get off the bloody road!" and "Wanker!".  :)


Let's shoot for muffled expletives while seeing you do the "Get-the-hornet-off-my-wedding-tackle" dance. 

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I have a 20 foot radius around a tree that I can't mow any longer 'cus those bastards have made a home in it. They got me in the head a few weeks ago so I'm not tempting fate.


We had paper wasps move in to the soffit above my porch.  There were hundreds if not thousands of them swarming around.  I took my shop vac and stood there vacuuming them out of the hole there were using to get into the soffit.  Took about 30 minutes of me just standing there.  I coudl hear as each one went rattling down the vacuum hose, and could tell when the rate slowed down.


It was a totally surreal thing - the wasps did not se *me* as the threat, it was the tip of the vacuum they were scared of.  They kept trying to attack it and left me alone. 


Once I got to a point where there was only one or two getting caught per minute I emptied a can of wasp killer into the hose and blocked it with duct tape.  Then doused the nest area with another can of spray and blocked off the hole.   That was all it took.


The gruesome bit was the next day when I emptied the shop vac and found a 6" deep layer of dead wasps.  Too many to count.

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