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Copilot Gps App...anyone Use It


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As title states, anyone use the app CoPilot?

It says you can create routes by drag and drop... Sounds similar to Google maps. Free trial but thenn have to pay $10 for the US maps. Also says you don't need cell service... Just GPS connection.

I like the native navigation app that android has, but there is no way I have found to load routes. This sounds like a good alternative but looking to see if anyone has personal experience.

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Been using it for years. It freaking rocks. You download all the maps to your phone, I have all of North America on mine...about 1.3 GB. Be warned, it won't download them to your SD card...so they will use your phones storage for that. Yes you can force your own routes. Here is what I do:


Sit down at my desk and make the route on my computer on Google maps...then fire up the phone and recreate it on CoPilot.  Yea you can do it on the phone first but it's easier having it on a large screen. If I am at home I HDMI my phone to the TV so I can see better. I usually put in extra stops to force most of the route...then drag and drop the route as needed to fine tune.  Yes you can drag the route however you want.  I got a bluetooth mouse to make that easier. But it isn't that bad to do really, I did my whole Ozark trip in my hotel each night....takes maybe 10 minutes a map.


Its really smart...you drive part of the route and stop for lunch and turn it off....when you fire it back up it knows you did part of the trip and picks up where you left off.  Set the voice to Google TTS if you want voice driven directons...their voices don't say the street names, Googles does. You will need power to your phone when you nav with it. It sucks battery, but that is true of any map/gps program. GPS uses lots of battery.


Fair warning, you will download it and sit there and look at it and try and use it and cuss me out and call me a retard. It is very different than Google Nav...it takes some getting used to. But once you see it their way you will love it.  Saved my ass many times when there is no data around...which is pretty often if you travel the backroads on a bike.


I highly recommend it. That said, take a peek at Mapquest....it is online of course, they have Android and Iphone versions. And I heard on the internets they have offline/no data capabilities also. Have not looked into it but theirs is free I believe. 

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