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US Military Action in Syria  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the US military strike Syria?

    • Yes
    • No

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YOU asked me who was innocent... I answered


Then you missed a few steps in between...

1. Were chemical weapons used on these children? (seems pretty apparent now)


Media derived information. Children have been targets for this area of the world, and this style of warfare for years.


2. Who supplied these chemical weapons? (becoming clearer that it is syria)


Media derived information. Even if they did supply them, as long as they are not attacking Americans, it is not our problem. Less of both sides is a good thing.


3. Who used these chemical weapons? (becoming clearer that it is syria's government)


Media derived information. Again, as long as they are just killing each other and not us or our civilized allies, who cares?


4. Is the UN or Nato willing to do anything about it? (seems the answer is no)


Of course not. There is no endgame for the involvement. Once we get involved we have to stay until the fight is over and then rebuild the country. Both are expensive and not in the best interests of most of the nations in the UN/NATO.


5. Are we willing to accept that this country uses chemical weapons against it's citizens without any consequence whatsoever?


Yup. If they attack us with chemical weapons, we nuke them. Hard. Elsewise it is not our fight.


6. If yes, What message does THAT send?


The US is putting down the Sherriff badge when regarding countries that we don't have a vested interest in.

Don't kill us, and we won't kill you.

We don't want to spend a few hundred Billion dollars on saving Arabs.

We don't want to send our troops to fight your war.



Take your pick.

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My cousin is currently serving (in hawaii at the moment) and He's 100% for a full on invasion...


Are you an enlisted man? No, then why do YOU have an opinion?


Guess what? Your family member serving in no way excuses you from your obligation that you are ducking at any opportunity.


Plenty of us joined up when we had responsibilities and obligations here at home or with our family. Try another excuse.

They let you enlist at 17, and even in a deferred status if you are in High School. Try again.


You have no ground to stand on when talking about serving in the Military. You sign up and join the fight and you can talk all you want. Otherwise just remember the rest of us that raised our hands when you were to chickenshit to do so will always be better than you.

Edited by BDBGoalie
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Guess what? Your family member serving in no way excuses you from your obligation that you are ducking at any opportunity.


Plenty of us joined up when we had responsibilities and obligations here at home or with our family. Try another excuse.

They let you enlist at 17, and even in a deferred status if you are in High School. Try again.


You have no ground to stand on when talking about serving in the Military. You sign up and join the fight and you can talk all you want. Otherwise just remember the rest of us that raised our hands when you were to chickenshit to do so will always be better than you.


What obligation? I have no obligation whatsoever to choose a career in government service. The private sector was a better fit for me and my life.

It allowed me to spend time helping to raise my nieces and nephew... (a much higher priority IMO than a "war" against an "idea")


If you think signing up makes you a better person, so be it... I don't agree with your assesment, but that's what's cool about this, we don't have to agree.


If you had real responsibilities at home that you ducked by going off to the service, that doesn't make you a better person IMO...that makes you bad at prioritizing.



My family member serving is just the example I was giving of what some people who currently have their own ass on the line think about the current situation... That is all.

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Two more russians ships roll into the area this morning, adding to those already there. Its heating up, and obama is acting like a bully who never got his ass handed to him. Putin on the other hand....he's a bit more of a serious player than the hawaiian gifted one is.

The “peace president” is about to embark on his third military adventure, this time in Syria, without having learned the lessons of his botched efforts in Afghanistan and Libya. He hasn’t even learned from the Bush's mistakes — which he mocked with such delight. what a rube

there is an ancient chinese curse- "May you live in interesting times"

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Two more russians ships roll into the area this morning, adding to those already there. Its heating up, and obama is acting like a bully who never got his ass handed to him. Putin on the other hand....he's a bit more of a serious player than the hawaiian gifted one is.

The “peace president” is about to embark on his third military adventure, this time in Syria, without having learned the lessons of his botched efforts in Afghanistan and Libya. He hasn’t even learned from the Bush's mistakes — which he mocked with such delight. what a rube

there is an ancient chinese curse- "May you live in interesting times"

If Russis, China, and Iran side with Syria, what's the point.

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What obligation? I have no obligation whatsoever to choose a career in government service. The private sector was a better fit for me and my life.

It allowed me to spend time helping to raise my nieces and nephew... (a much higher priority IMO than a "war" against an "idea")


If you think signing up makes you a better person, so be it... I don't agree with your assesment, but that's what's cool about this, we don't have to agree.


If you had real responsibilities at home that you ducked by going off to the service, that doesn't make you a better person IMO...that makes you bad at prioritizing.



My family member serving is just the example I was giving of what some people who currently have their own ass on the line think about the current situation... That is all.


you are one classy guy.


kill yourself.

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he will call them "an axis of guys acting like jerks"


...an axis of assholes, if you will.



Guess what? Your family member serving in no way excuses you from your obligation that you are ducking at any opportunity.


Plenty of us joined up when we had responsibilities and obligations here at home or with our family. Try another excuse.

They let you enlist at 17, and even in a deferred status if you are in High School. Try again.


You have no ground to stand on when talking about serving in the Military. You sign up and join the fight and you can talk all you want. Otherwise just remember the rest of us that raised our hands when you were to chickenshit to do so will always be better than you.


Taking an awful lot of assumptions in there, eh?  As was stated, military service is not an obligation, so you're just flat out lying there.  Secondly, to immediately assume that someone is "chickenshit", when there are a bunch of non-voluntary reasons why one would be denied for military service isn't doing your argument any justice.  Third, as was discussed in the other thread, just because you were in the military and chose that job to have for however long you had it, does not confer to you some superior title or authority over me who has not served.  You're the same person as me, and you're the same person as Magz, you have no super secret squirrel rights and authority just because at one point you served in the military (current active-duty members excepted, of course).

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yanno, four years ago, this never, ever would have made it to the front of the huffington post...

maybe the king IS naked after all, eh?




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this is one more, for a total of...getting hard to keep track....I think, seven or eight now?



MOSCOW, September 6 (RIA Novosti) – Russia will send another warship to the Mediterranean Sea next week, a high-ranking Russian Navy official told RIA Novosti Friday.

The Kashin-class guided missile destroyer Smetlivy from the Black Sea Fleet is due to leave the port of Sevastopol on September 12-14, the official said, adding that it is to join the Mediterranean task force “on a rotational basis.”

A group of warships, including the large amphibious landing ships Novocherkassk and Minsk, as well as the electronic intelligence ship Priazovye joined the Mediterranean fleet earlier on Friday, he said.

He also said the Slava class guided missile cruiser Moskva will reach the Mediterranean Sea, where it will take over from the Admiral Panteleyev destroyer, on September 17, and on September 29 the missile boat Ivanovets and the guided missile ship Sthil will reach an area off the Syrian coast.



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I have no idea obama rush into this, he has not learned from bushes mistakes, clearly. I dunno, he couldn't be that egoslung to use this to defer from the looming debt ceiling, or housing, or jobs, or a list of other things like obamacare now, got to be bigger. all those national/local things tend to pale to the shit storm in syria, and there is no way we can['t have boots on the ground- do  we trust..who? to handle the existing chem weps there now? what a cluster fuck

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We don't, we blow the current chem weapons cache to smithereens... if they were in fact used by that government...


BWA HAHAHAHA. One doesn't simply "blow the chemical weapons cache to smithereens"  What an eco disaster that would be, lol. 

I guess we could call in the power rangers?

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In all seriousness though, I'm down at Ft. Sam Houston doing TDY at SAMMC and every time I see a guy with prosthetics walk by (which is often) I just think "there's no way in hell I want to even start down the path that might lead us back to this again."  We're 0/4 on middle eastern interventions, let's play the odds here.  There's a reason every other nation in the world is checking out on this.

Edited by smashweights
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BWA HAHAHAHA. One doesn't simply "blow the chemical weapons cache to smithereens"  What an eco disaster that would be, lol. 

I guess we could call in the power rangers?


From the extremely limited knowledge I have about this, it seems like you are correct.  Given chemical weapons' ability to stick to things and not degrade like biological weapons, the best method of destruction (again, spitballin' here) would be a contained, high temperature burn, like with thermite.  You ain't getting that by dropping explosive ordnance, if you miss and that shit starts flying everywhere, that's a whole 'nother can of worms.


Also, you misspelled Captain Planet.  Do I have to do everything around here?

Edited by Cheech
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