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Police Cruiser Runs Through A Cruiser


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Different standards for terrible reckless driving. The speeding ticket for that would be higher than $150. I hope they sue the Cop and score big even though they will be injured and in pain for te rest of their lives. Then they will want a new Levy. We The People Will pay the millions they end up getting and the Cop will pay $150 while he is on paid leave. I can't stand Cops! 

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 I can't stand Cops! 




I dislike the actions of this cop.  I don't hate all cops because of it.     That kind of thinking is why people dislike bikers after seeing a squid, or want to ban all guns because of a few idiots.

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That punishment was bullshit, I have to pay at least $275 next week for a speeding ticket.... And I didn't hit anybody....

Sent from my iPhone.


How fast were you going?  What was the limit?  Is this your second ticket in 12 months?

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I dislike the actions of this cop.  I don't hate all cops because of it.     That kind of thinking is why people dislike bikers after seeing a squid, or want to ban all guns because of a few idiots.


The good ones are few and far between. And the good ones never call out the bad. They cover up the ones with the God Complex. Somewhere along the way they stopped protecting and serving and think we must do what they say and its their way and you are in deep shit. Out of control pensions, wages, and lawsuits have turned them into meter maids writing tickets to support the corrupt system. Speed traps, quotas, and double standards have become the norm. Then when they cannot write enough tickets they beg for a levy and threaten us if it is not voted through. Little or no respect for the rights of the people. Show me one Cop that has stood up for the peoples rights they work for and I will show you a hundred videos of them taking advantage of your rights. They abuse the Badge today more than ever because they know they can. And if they do get caught all they will get is a paid leave of action. I did not say I hated Cops. I just said I couldn't stand them. When was the last time you saw a Cop do something good? 

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The good ones are few and far between. And the good ones never call out the bad. They cover up the ones with the God Complex. Somewhere along the way they stopped protecting and serving and think we must do what they say and its their way and you are in deep shit. Out of control pensions, wages, and lawsuits have turned them into meter maids writing tickets to support the corrupt system. Speed traps, quotas, and double standards have become the norm. Then when they cannot write enough tickets they beg for a levy and threaten us if it is not voted through. Little or no respect for the rights of the people. Show me one Cop that has stood up for the peoples rights they work for and I will show you a hundred videos of them taking advantage of your rights. They abuse the Badge today more than ever because they know they can. And if they do get caught all they will get is a paid leave of action. I did not say I hated Cops. I just said I couldn't stand them. When was the last time you saw a Cop do something good?



I got an 8mph over ticket by a camera the other day in Parma speed trap and it costs $200. Thats $50 dollars more than he had to pay for destroying two peoples lives and leaving them in pain for rest of their time on this earth. So where are the Good Cops calling out this idiot? Which Cop stood up for the victims? Where is the remorse from the Reckless Cop? All because he was texting or doing something other than paying attention to the road as he plowed thru them. I hope it was really important because he really fucked up their lives. Why didn't the Cops start a fund for the victims? They sure as hell would have done it for a Cop if it was the other way around And the driver would have had the shit kicked out of him and landed in jail with a $20,000 Lawyer bill and lost their license for well over a year. Not to mention a long time in jail as the one who hit the Cop. Sorry if the table was turned and you hit the Cop instead of the Cop hitting you it would be way different. YES I CANNOT STAND COPS!!!!

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Must be hard to bear such a weight and chip on your shoulder.


No weight or chip. Just the facts. Do you think the fine and punishment would have been the same if you were texting and hit a Cop on a bike? Do you think you would receive a $150 dollar ticket. Did they even test the Cop for drinking or drugs? You can bet your life you would be tested, cuffed, arrested with force, questioned for hours etc....




What do you think would have happened to a regular citizen if the roles were reversed?

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The good ones are few and far between. (snipped diatribe)  YES I CANNOT STAND COPS!!!!


Dunno what to tell you.  Only ever had a problem with one cop and that was because I cussed him out (young and stupid).  Every other cop I've spoken to has been fine.

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Dunno what to tell you. Only ever had a problem with one cop and that was because I cussed him out (young and stupid). Every other cop I've spoken to has been fine.

Is this a ratio thing? Have you lived a sheltered life and just not had interaction w many LEO? While good cops do exist, what KZ900 describes w his experience w LEO is what I have experienced more often than not since I was old enough to have an interaction (12 years old on a moped). Most are insecure men (or women too) w an inferiority complex who put on a badge and gun to feel superior over others in an attempt to compensate for some shortcoming. Total abuse (corrupt at that) of power.

This space intentionally left blank to avoid offending anyone


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I guess the difference is the worst I ever did was speed.  I usually only ever interact with cops when I call them (crime victim or traffic accident).  I know more than 10 cops personally (outside of their job) and have trained MA with some of them.  They're just people.


I have never had a cop take a 'professional' interest in me except for when I have been speeding.  Even then they have been nice enough about it.


Oh, and I'm gonna be 40 next year, so I've had plenty time to piss them off.  I just haven't managed to do so thus far.

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I grew up in a LEO household. I seen first hand in the 80s that most of them are just bullies with a badge.  All the ones I have meet have had issue.  The ones I knew got their jollies from being dicks, and would get into "one up" contest between their selves.  Honestly I don't think the corruption has gotten worse, it has been this way since the 80s'.  I think we just see it more now because everyone films everything.  



1984 is happening, Orwell just got the date wrong. 

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How fast were you going? What was the limit? Is this your second ticket in 12 months?

91 in a 60 is what I was accused of. I may have deserved it. Haven't had a ticket since high school and that was my only one until now. He got my ethnicity incorrect somehow though. I'm pretty sure I look, yup just checked, Asian as fuck, unless "W" stands for Asian lol.

Sent from my iPhone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had my fair share of interactions with LEO's over the years I have been driving/riding.  As long as I keep calm and answer the simple questions I have never been given a ticket for something I didn't do or been treated poorly.  However I think the focus of many police departments on simple speeding tickets is ridiculous and only about the money. Why don't you go get some drugs off the streets or arrest someone for a real crime against society as opposed to harassing someone driving along an empty road in the country 10mph over what the sign said was legal.

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