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So Do We Have Any Legal Peeps About Childs Welfare


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So let me start off by saying I have had legal custody of my two daughter now aged 8 and 15 for 2 years now mother gets every other weekend visits. Problem is that now the douche bags she is dating is making my 15 year old daughter very uncomfortable  being over there. My 15 year old is telling me these guys are commenting about ( how much of a thug they are) and ( if I wanted to murder someone I could get away with it I know people from prison that got my back). So yeah me hearing this has got  me not sending my ( yes I said my girls) in that type of environment. I am speaking with my lawyer in the morning. But if the police get involved do I legaly have to send them if they are fearful of being over there....just trying to get ready for the shit storm that's about to insue.

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I don't know how this works anymore these days but, I remember by the time I was 11 or so I decided I didn't want to go over to my fathers anymore. I locked myself in a room on the Wednesday he came to pick me up, the police were called and they said if he doesn't want to go that's his choice not to go, I quit going from that point on.

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I think because kids are so on again off again they've taken some of the choice back from the child. Your attorney will let you know but I think you'll need a court order to change the visitation. I don't think the police will be involved unless there's an actual crime. You could put the ball in her court (make her get a court order) by just not making the girls available for visitation with the mother and then see what lengths she'll go thru to get the girls. I think you're biggest problem might be the guys. If they want to come after you if there really that bad a character(s) but then the police would be involved. See what your attorney says bit I'd be tempted to withhold the girls and see what happens. Good luck it's not going to be easy either way. But hey if the mom is that derelict and you hold the girls away she may just fade out of the picture.

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I don't know how this works anymore these days but, I remember by the time I was 11 or so I decided I didn't want to go over to my fathers anymore. I locked myself in a room on the Wednesday he came to pick me up, the police were called and they said if he doesn't want to go that's his choice not to go, I quit going from that point on.

I did this too when I was 13

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When I dealt with custody/visitation in Ohio(about 7-15 years ago) I was dealt the same type of scenario.


I had custody of the children, and my ex had visitation.  I was informed that if the children didn't want to go, I had to get the courts involved.  If I didn't want the children to go, too bad, so sad.


I know that if there is a situation where a child's welfare is at stake, Children's Services should be contacted so an investigation can occur.  Unfortunately, this organization is overwhelmed, and is sometimes used as a vehicle of destruction on innocent peoples' lives(please read this as, my ex's family called in "anonymous" tips about "supposed" abuse on me every week for 8 years).  


Talk with your attorney, and get the children's input, and if there is a real and present danger to the children, involve Children's Services.


PS - I am not an attorney.

Edited by redbarron77
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Talked to my lawyer and I am going to file for a motion to modify visitation. She claimed that if the police are involved and my daughter informs them that she feels unsafe then they cant force her to go.....sooo ill keep people posted later today.

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Good luck bro, I know we'd talked about some of this at work and I wish I had the answers man. You're going about it the right way, good Daddyness on you. You love your girls and always do what's right by them, so they're luckier than they know. Wish your ex was a better person and parent, who cared more for her own children, sad situation. Meagan seems like a good influence and glad you have her in your life to make things better at home too. Keep me posted man, I'll help however I can

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Thanks hellmutt. So like I thought my ex was here to meet me after school to pick up my daughter. So after she came waddling over to me like she had poo in her jeans I calimly said just call the police.. They showed up we plead are case and told me that it was a civil matter and they were not going to get involved. I am surely in comtempt but my kids safety is first. so my kiddos are with me for this weekend.

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Yeah she told me to go ahead and do it we are filing paper work Monday. My lawyer said if she wanted to do anything about it she would have to take me to civil court with right now she has no money anyway. Put that with her having a hard time paying her rent and the dui she got a few months ago I dare her to.

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Yeah she told me to go ahead and do it we are filing paper work Monday. .


Good good.  I know someone going through this right now and withholding the kids got her taken to court for a full custody challenge.   As it turns out her reasons for withholding the child were vindicated and she was ok.

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From 11 years of my own experience...if police are involved or any calls to 911 have been made there is public record of it. Call reports department of the city or sheriff (wherever mother lives) and get print out of everything involving that address and his name. Previous incidents as well. Cheaper for you to get these instead of paying your atty to get. I still continue to check up on my kids dad for obvious reasons. I hope you're going for supervised visitations or for your daughters to speak with the judge.

Good luck...been there and it's best to prevent it. And why is their mother with some ghetto ass loser....sad.

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Yeah she told me to go ahead and do it we are filing paper work Monday. My lawyer said if she wanted to do anything about it she would have to take me to civil court with right now she has no money anyway. Put that with her having a hard time paying her rent and the dui she got a few months ago I dare her to.

you got this! Is she getting party plates? Haha

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No she got it reduced to a failure to control. And not to sutr why she keeps going after getto loosers. Glad it aint my problem. ..lol


[speaking from experience]  I have found that after a divorce, if you want to see your exact polar opposite, just take a look at what your ex starts hooking up with....

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