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Holy Toledo


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I can view it just fine. And i'm betting the guy ask for it in a way but ill also say that the officer in my oppion was using excessive force and acted like he knew he did and was trying to cover it up .

Edited by 2talltim
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Any use of force was prior to the video turning on, apart from him picking up the guy to walk him to the cruiser.    There's not enough context to know if the officer's actions were reasonable.  Did the man and woman attack him?  Did they act completely passively?  No clue.


I didn't see "enraged" and "out of control"...?   I saw a lone officer dealing with multiple subjects in a manner that asserted his control of the scene.   What happened prior to the video turning on?


He wasn't yelling/screaming or punching/kicking.   What part of his behavior would be classified as "out of control"?  

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Here's a little bit of what the cops says happened. I still don't see why the 14 yr boy had to be on the ground and threatened. From what the witnesses were saying there were two babies in one of the vehicles. Guess he should have gotten their asses out too...


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Here's a little bit of what the cops says happened. I still don't see why the 14 yr boy had to be on the ground and threatened. From what the witnesses were saying there were two babies in one of the vehicles. Guess he should have gotten their asses out too...




A few problems:


1) He appeared to snatch the phone recording the video and throw it aside".   No, the phone recording the video wasn't touched.  The man whose phone was taken was too close to the scene (right up next to the cruiser's door) and he needed to be moved.  Not sure why he took and threw THAT phone, but the throw was clearly not done in an attempt to damage it (the officer looked for, and threw the phone onto grass not concrete)


2) The arrested man claims he left the scene when asked first time but was arrested anyway.  The officer claims the man refused to leave.  Which is it?  Let's figure that out before condemning either side.


3) It is not clear from the video (or the story) why the woman and teenager were removed from the vehicle. Neither side explained that. 


4) For the sake of argument, assume the 3 people needed to be removed from their vehicle and controlled...  How else should he control them?  Cuffs and on the floor at taser point is clearly what the officer opted for.   What would you have done?



Think of it from the cop's angle.  He is dealing with a person for diving with a fake license plate, and a car full of people drives right up to the back of his cruiser and acts in an aggressive manner.  Tactically the cop is now in a bad place, stuck between a man who needs to being arrested on one side of his cruiser and a man who is angry enough about that arrest to interfere with the scene behind him.  He can't simply ignore the car behind him, and if the car won't leave when asked he can't simply walk away from it. 



I still have a question about what the woman and teen did to require them to be removed from the vehicle (Did he remove them himself despite them being 100% passive, compliant and quiet? or did they get out and in his face once the male was arrested, requiring them to be controlled too?)   I also want to know what prompted him to grab the other man's phone. 


Beyond that I see nothing but an outnumbered cop staying in control while waiting for backup.

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I still don't see why the 14 yr boy had to be on the ground and threatened. From what the witnesses were saying there were two babies in one of the vehicles. Guess he should have gotten their asses out too...


That is the problem.  You don't understand why the cop is doing what he is doing, but you are assuming he is doing something wrong by adding the flippant comment about the babies and using words like "out of control". 

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Like as already stated above, we're missing a big piece of the situation.  What were the events that led up to this video?  Not emotionally charged rhetoric but factual, clear-headed testimony?  


What people just don't seem to get is this, you comply with an officer of the law.  Your time to argue your position is before the judge.  Most likely, none of these people would have been on the ground in handcuffs if they had conducted themselves accordingly.

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As was said, we didn't see the prelude to the events but I'm not sure why he felt the need to point his weapon at them while they were cuffed on the ground. IMO he should have acted a bit calmer and not gotten into a yelling match with the people involved but rather radioed for backup and maintained control until they arrived. A little coolness on his part may have calmed things down a bit. Classy neighborhood BTW...to me, the older guy in the wifebeater appeared to be lit.


I agree with Scruit though, he's outnumbered with a number of agitated people nearby and for all he knew, some jackhole could have fetched a shotgun or something and ruined his day.

Edited by ScubaCinci
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