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Any Serious Pool Players?


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I did about 10 yrs ago, played in some tournaments won a few, had a couple of nice sticks, then sticks got stolen from my car, and i ended up moving and not many ppl played down here and now just play a few games if out at bar chillin.. i am hoping to play more when i move back to columbus in a week

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I like playing, but I kinda suck at it.

I know how and where to hit the cue ball, sometimes I can control the "English" .

But I usually fail in the execution of the shot.

Still have fun when I get to play.

My dad had a pool table in his basement, but the side walls were tight and you had to use the short sticks for those shots.

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I played all the time at a bar before I moved out here to Ohio.  Since then not so much.  I picked up this monster a few years ago but it has been hiding under it's cover.  It is surrounded by construction materials from all the home rebuild projects I have going on.




And you always need a matching cue rack.






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Ive recently picked up a low deflection, Tiger X shaft for my Viking cue. Relearning how to shoot with a LD shaft took awhile. I love it now though and wouldn't have it any other way.


Also, if your looking for a budget but really nice jump/break. Check out the Players JB5/6 (same thing, ones black and ones a sneaky pete) Its a jump break that comes with a super hard phenolic tip. Only thing harder is a glass tip i believe. Jumps really good too. Cue can be had for 80-100 bucks. Here's a good jumpshot, just messing around one night.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Used to play for beers in College, losers buy and I got drunk a lot for free. But, that was decades ago. Got the bug again and played a bit in Chicago till the league ass hats ruined the fun by thinking they were good and took the league for too seriously.


Sadly, we managed to collect a full size table in a house buy and it sits in the basement. This house, I didn't even bother to hang the light.


I really should play again or if anyone is interested in a full size slate table, it's yours for $500, $150 for the light. Brunswick table, nothing fancy but plays well.

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the exact formula that determines your skill level is unknown but it all depends on your Innings, defensive shots and winnings. The less innings, the less defensive shots and the more wins, you're going up.


Guy start out as 4

girls - 3


If you lose your first match you go down.


I lost my first one back in Janurary and have been a 3 ever since then until about a month ago. Now I am a 4 and on track to go up to a 5 with the way I've been playing lately.

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This is my fist time playing in a league.


Started out as a 4 and stayed there for several weeks.  Drank too much and played like crap one week, got dropped to a 3...2 weeks after that I'm a 5.  I'm guessing it will stabilize after more matches.


The skill levels seem pretty inconsistent so far.  I've seen some 5s that were really good players, and some that average bar players at best.

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its going to go all over the place since you just started. Since you're new, I'd say... stay a 3 as long as you can.. :p until you are confident and skilled enough to keep up with the big dogs.



and those 5s that shoot like shit might be what we call "sand baggers"


play shitty intentionally to lower their skill level. As a 3, I was playing like 4 and now that I'm a 4, I've been shooting like a 5 and my captains been pissed because I joined to team to stay a lower level and steal games :p

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play shitty intentionally to lower their skill level. As a 3, I was playing like 4 and now that I'm a 4, I've been shooting like a 5 and my captains been pissed because I joined to team to stay a lower level and steal games :p


?  If someone asks me to lose or miss shots intentionally, I would be done with that team.  That is missing the point, IMO.


That's kinda like idiots that take steroids to get an edge in bar league softball.  Yeah that happens.

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