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Kids Suspended From School For Shooting Air Soft Guns In Own Yard


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If they were all on private property, I'd be with you 100%, but based on actually reading the letter... That was not the case.


In the course of the investigation, conducted in concert with a police officer and the school division Office of Safety and Loss Control, we identified the children who were firing pellet guns at each other and at people near the bus stop. Several students verified that they had been hit by pellets and had the marks to support their claims.


In one instance, a child was only 10 feet from the bus stop and ran from the shots being fired but was still hit. Another student claimed to be shot in the back while running away during a previous incident Wednesday, Sept. 11. This child was also shot in the arm and head during Thursday’s incident. I contacted the school division’s Office of Student Leadership and School Board Legal Counsel for guidance. Because students were on their way to or at a school bus stop when they were struck by pellets, the school division has jurisdiction to take disciplinary actions against those students responsible for the disruption. There is an expectation that all students should be able to travel to and from school in the safest environment possible.


Even so, The disciplinary action seems a bit severe for the offense...

Edited by magley64
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If they were all on private property, I'd be with you 100%, but based on actually reading the letter... That was not the case.



Even so, The disciplinary action seems a bit severe for the offense...


If the report is to be believed (and I have to start somewhere objective, this thing is already being politicized to hell), then I'm backing the school on taking action, however the action they took was extremely heavy-handed.


The kids were shooting at other kids on their way to the bus stop.  The school has a vested interest in maintaining the safety of students on their way to or returning from school.  Now, this interest has its limits, but just because the kids was popping off airsoft rounds from the comfort of their own yard doesn't diminish the fact that they were intentionally shooting at people other than themselves, and those people did not want to be shot.  Now, kicking them completely out of school for this was a bit much and this could have been handled a lot better, but this isn't as cut and dry as your garden variety school board "zero tolerance" overreach.


For all we know (speculation ahoy!) these kids could have been bullying the other bus-stop kids, and this was another in a long line of assholish behavior by them.

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Myself and at least 7 other kids in our neighborhood alone would've been expelled as children if this shit were to happen back then. I wholeheartedly dislike the pussified nanny state we are forced to live in

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Zero Tolerance = Incompetent Administration


Zero Tolerance is a blanket type policy used to hand down generic rulings when an administration lacks the judgment to evaluate the context of each situation. 


This is exactly why I don't like minimum sentences.

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Consider the environment and if the kids were shooting at kids going to school, then they got what they asked for.


Had they learned the lesson that my grandfather told his son and his son told me, "NEVER POINT A GUN AT ANYONE, EVEN IF THE GUN IS FAKE!"


I think I learned that lesson with my first pop gun or rubber band gun. 13 yr olds should know better if a 6yr old can learn the lesson.


No sympathy here and I hope those kids and others near them learned an important lesson.

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Back when I was kid, all of us boys in the neighborhood played war almost daily.  And yeah, we fucking pointed them at each other AND through fake grenades while assaulting each other's position.  Granted by 13 we were into girls and playing war was something we didn't do anymore for several years but WGAF - boys should be allowed to be boys.  


I can only imagine the way the libtard's would have reacted back then, too, like Bad mentioned.


Regardless, it is a sickening testimony about how being politically correct, completely inept at the administration level, and the constant pussification of America has flipped everything on its head.

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Not school property. Not the school's business. However, I do believe the authorities should be involved. Air Soft games are fine. Shooting people that aren't playing is not.

I think a bus stop is an extension of school property, at least during the time when kids would be there waiting for the bus....

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Its been policy for some time that if you're on the way to or from school, you still fall under their jurisdiction. Got busted in ninth grade smoking while walking home and a teacher drove by and saw me. Still, the punishment in this case is way off base.

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So I have to deal with this shit on a daily basis as I am a school administrator for a K-8 school. My opinion and what we as a school would have to do will vary.

As a school, you're screwed. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Please realize that we have turned teachers and schools into customer service representatives. We must please all customers, which is impossible. The media will tear your ass either way.

We have to deal with all sorts of off campus issues, ranging from cyber bullying to this. Essentially schools are responsible for kids at all times. The police, God love them, don't really have any interest in getting involved in shit that isn't "illegal". They want the schools to deal with it. Parents want schools to solve all issues too.

The schools didn't have a choice. They had to suspend due to the complaints. Again screwed either way. It isn't about right and wrong anymore. Please remember customer service. Most schools need levies passed and are operating with a joke of a budget (see teacher pay scales).

As a person I hate stuff like this. It has zero to do with the school. If they had an issue with it be a parent and go talk to the other kids parents. Stupid wussification.

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I'm not against taking some disciplinary action against the kid but it should be by the PARENTS of the kid, not the school. But hey this is the age where there just isn't as many good parents as there used to be and they expect the schools to do their parenting for them.


If the school has no choice then fine, but this is way above and beyond necessary to teach the kid a lesson. You've just now created another future welfare rat

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I'm not against taking some disciplinary action against the kid but it should be by the PARENTS of the kid, not the school. But hey this is the age where there just isn't as many good parents as there used to be and they expect the schools to do their parenting for them.


If the school has no choice then fine, but this is way above and beyond necessary to teach the kid a lesson. You've just now created another future welfare rat


Don't forget, if the parent disciplines the child in such a way that a neighbor(or ex-wife's family) doesn't like, then children's services is brought in, and the system takes over.  It's sad, but true, parents cannot discipline their own children without being criticized(too-much, not enough, etc).

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Don't forget, if the parent disciplines the child in such a way that a neighbor(or ex-wife's family) doesn't like, then children's services is brought in, and the system takes over.  It's sad, but true, parents cannot discipline their own children without being criticized(too-much, not enough, etc).



My 2 year old get his butt beat every day. I don't care where we are.

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