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Government Shutdown


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I've really got no skin in this game.

But since you're waiting for my response.

I'm sorry for those of you that will be affected directly by this. Democrats are willing to shut down the government to uphold the affordable care act, and Republicans are willing to shut it down to defund or delay it.

One of these seems inconsistent in my mind.

Republicans cited the damage to the economy as their reason to oppose it, but how much damage will this do?

Also, I don't think anyone in congress or the president actually need their salary at this point. With their personal fortunes, side projects, and investments earning them the bulk of their income.

Edited by magley64
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I just looked out my window.  Everything is just fine.

fine for you maybe...

Many of my friends will be affected, and that's unfortunate.


Where they place the blame is very much painted by which political party they sympathize with more than the other.

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I'm with IP...I think everyone should get a permanent pink slip and then suck off the teet of Obummercare and this bullshit government dependent society thats been created but these fucking lazy ass, brain dead morons

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This is all Bush's fault. 



No this is the American peoples fault.  We pick them, we elect them, and we tell them to do this shit. 


GOP groupie: Stop Obamacare no matter what the cost, that communist baby killing gay loving trash must be stopped no matter what the cost.  No compromise or else they will take our guns


Dem groupie: Protect Obamacare no matter what the cost.  Make no compromise because they want to away all our rights and give them to churches and corporation. No compromise.  



The problem is not just at the top.  The problem is so many people are so set in "My way is the only right way" that no one listens or cares about what others are dealing with or needs.  The system is broke.  Everyone wants the extreme, and no one wants to compromise. 

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No this is the American peoples fault.  We pick them, we elect them, and we tell them to do this shit. 


That was sarcasm and no, this isn't the fault of the American people by default.  


This is the fault of a corrupt Federal government that - with a few exceptions - do not listen to the will of the People.

Edited by baptizo
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No this is the American peoples fault.  We pick them, we elect them, and we tell them to do this shit. 


A long time ago that was true.  Now this is just a theory will very little application in real life.  Name a federal politician that consistently follows the will of the people...I can't.

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That was sarcasm and no, this isn't the fault of the American people by default.  


This is the fault of a corrupt Federal government that - with a few exceptions - do not listen to the will of the People.



A long time ago that was true.  Now this is just a theory will very little application in real life.  Name a federal politician that consistently follows the will of the people...I can't.



Yes they are mostly in it for them, but I still see where they are listening to what they want to, of what the people are saying. No, none of them consistently, but they all do when it suits them. And the point I am trying to make is both sides are unwilling to meet in the middle. And the most vocal of the population that votes for them support the "No Compromise" mentality. 

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The Federal Gov't was never intended to be so large or so powerful.  It has gown out of control.  The people were supposed to have the power and the control...and today we certainly do not.


They only listen during election season, and that is purely self serving.

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The problem is once elected you can't touch anyone in congress easily.  They sit there on their asses not afraid to whatever THEY want and not what the People put them there for.


How about we all vote to amend the constitution which outlines the length and terms of congressional seats.  The amendment would say that AT ANY TIME a vote for a congressman's seat can be recalled and they can be removed from office.  This puts the power back into the Peoples hands and when those in office do not follow their constituents voices they will be pulled.

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And I'll stick to it. Good ideas are easy to put into action. Bad ones are difficult.




So nazi germany was a good idea?

USSR Communism was a good idea?


Putting a man on the moon was a bad idea...


Your logic is riddled with fallicy.

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That's fine. I'll stick with my logic.


really? You're sticking with "Good ideas are easy to put into action. Bad ones are difficult."?


So anything that is difficult to do is a bad idea...


I just can't understand how you can believe that?!?

Fuck, America was a bad idea, imagine the difficulty....

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really? You're sticking with "Good ideas are easy to put into action. Bad ones are difficult."?


So anything that is difficult to do is a bad idea...


I just can't understand how you can believe that?!?

Fuck, America was a bad idea, imagine the difficulty....


Nobody's taking your bait, troll. 

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