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Government Shutdown


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How about we all vote to amend the constitution which outlines the length and terms of congressional seats.  


I am HUGELY in favor of Congressional term limits.  The limit should be 2 terms for any seat, or a total of 4 terms if someone holds more than 1 office.  This would remove career politicians that amass huge fortunes without accomplishing much to benefit the American people.


IIRC, this was suggested by Warren Buffet.



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Nobody's taking your bait, troll. 


Not trolling, literally challenging what is being professed as a life philosophy... how pessimistic.


What if everyone believed difficult things are not worth doing?

Edited by magley64
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Shut Down the Government

Anthony Lentini

Shut it down. Shut the government down. Send all the "non-essential" bureaucrats packing. Cut them from the payroll immediately. Then, start lopping the "essential" ones.

Do away with all those worthless government programs we keep hearing about, such as the National Park Service's video production praising Islam's contributions to women's rights (like honor killings and genital mutilation). Shut down all government propaganda aimed at increasing Americans' tolerance for the least tolerant of religions.

Lay off all the IRS personnel who betrayed the American people and perverted their charge by intimidating, investigating, auditing and bullying citizens exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Shut down the criminally compromised IRS.
Shut down the EPA, along with all the other federal agencies that have formed their own paramilitary enforcement tactical units. Shut down the NSA that has been spying on ordinary Americans and lying about it. Shut down all appropriations for domestic use of drones.

Shut down the State Department that has been so thoroughly incompetent in providing embassy security. Shut down any funding or weapons support for the Syrian rebels led by al Qaeda operatives. Shut down all foreign aid.
Shut down the taxpayer-subsidized barbershops and cafeterias on Capitol Hill.


Shut down free parking garages for federal employees and reserved free parking for Members of Congress at Washington-area airports. Shut down all the special perks our senators and representatives enjoy, including immunity to traffic and parking violations and their own ObamaCare-exempt premium healthcare benefits.

Shut down all the agencies that are dumping more and more coercive, strangling, costly regulations on businesses large and small. Shut down all the inexplicable, incomprehensible taxes levied on telephone and utility bills.


Go through the entire government, line item by line item, shutting down anything that is not working, has outlived its usefulness, is cost-ineffective, or makes no sense. Don't have a budget (like the U.S. Senate)? Make one. It's required by law.
Shut down the White House Communications Office so we don't have to listen to Jay Carney lie every day.

And while all this is shutting down, shut down ObamaCare. It won't work, is too expensive and intrusive, and we don't want it.
Shut down all the rampant spending that has led us to the brinksmanship we're getting so tired of with each continuing resolution to fund a government that is bloated, out of control and ruled over by self-interested, feather-bedding establishment politicians from both parties. Spending will be curtailed. From real-world experience, we'd realize how many government workers and programs are thoroughly worthless drains on our wallets and threats to our individual liberty.


Shut it all down. The sun will still rise in the morning and maybe, just maybe, there will be an outbreak of sanity in the United States of America.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/10/shut_down_the_government.html#ixzz2gUS7cEjF
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Well this fucking sucks. I'm heading to Redwoods NP today and it sounds like I'm just going to find a locked gate.

That idiot in the White House and those fucktards in Congress better get their act together.

Or maybe I should just pick up a pair of bolt cutters? Hmmm.

Sent from the shitter using Tapatalk 2

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Fox news spin No, not a shutdown, a "slimdown" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/index.html


NBC spin "republican shutdown preventable" http://www.nbcnews.com/



Based on language, seems both news agencies agree regarding who was responsible, just disagree over whether it's a bad thing...

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they can blame whoever they want. The only one going to tell you the truth who is truly responsible is myself


LIBTARDS caused all of our fucking problems in the last 6 years. End of Story

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meanwhile, i can't schedule a shipment of parts for the military because of all this shit.




Don't worry he'll fly in on Air Force One and save the day! Probably take out a couple terrorists with his own 2 hands for good measure too!

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Political spin machine in full swing.


Rubio "not really a shutdown, more of a slowdown"

Cruz "Partial Temporary Suspension of Non-Essential Government Functions" (I think someone professionally wordsmithed that one for him)

Bachman "We're very excited, people will be very grateful"

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How is that political spin? IF you ask me that is the same shit they say on a daily basis down both sides of the aisle



My point is EVERYTHING any one of those morons in office says is political spin

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I'd be owning the shit out of this if I were a Republican. Although I'm sure there are better ways to do so, I'm kind of digging this "Well we fucked up letting this happen in the first place so lets try to minimize as much $$ damage by being cockblocking assholes"

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Only way the US will ever be fixed is another revolutionary war.  Sorry but it's true.  It's no where near what it used to be and what it needs to be to be America again.  The 2 party system doesn't work, and its impossible to get a third party in office because there simply aren't voters for it. 

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Only way the US will ever be fixed is another revolutionary war.  Sorry but it's true.  It's no where near what it used to be and what it needs to be to be America again.  The 2 party system doesn't work, and its impossible to get a third party in office because there simply aren't voters for it. 


Unfortunately, any "revolutionary war" would have to made via economic means, because any militant/physical confrontation will be treated as treason/terrorism, and the US has one heck of a war machine.  But since the people with $$$ are already in power, I don't see any change in the near future, unless there is some cataclysmic event (i.e. - collapse of economic system, meteor crashes into the Earth, Zombies, etc.) that relocates the power structure from those that have it now.

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Whatever it takes to bring down the ACA. Shutdowns not doing much. Write your booby in power.


Yup, whatever it takes to make sure those po' folks have to mortgage their non-existent house to go to the doctor!

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