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Obama is right.


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So to sum up "everything bad that has happened in the last 6 years is obama's fault and everything good that has happened has been in spite of him" good obama basher bot...



Yes.....because he apparently has no idea about anything that is going on, he only hears it from the media after the fact. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell ya.

Edited by Pokey
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He's either the incompetent, or a liar. Either way... he, and all those that love him after all of this, can fuck right off. Drinking the HopeyChangeyKoolaid in the beginning was forgivable. We all love a happy ending... but this guy is a real piece of shit and has not one ounce of integrity. He's a classic Chicago shady dealer... and he really fucking irritates the shit out of me.

Id argue if I could.

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I thought the Congress made laws, and the President approved them. Except for those pesky presidential mandates. A president doesn't have as much power as people think. Influence yes, international power yes, domestic power, not so much. It's called a republic.

Edited by ReconRat
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I thought the Congress made laws, and the President approved them. Except for those pesky presidential mandates. A president doesn't have as much power as people think. Influence yes, international power yes, domestic power, not so much. It's called a republic.

You can't convince the obama basher bots of that, if they could blame hurricanes and volcanoes on obama, they would...

Unfortunately the republicans have already blamed natural disasters on the gays.

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I agree with most of the laws he's signed... zadroga, ledbetter, dodd frank, CARD, HIRE, UCE...specifically


Interesting. Bush era laws being re-issued or finally passed by the now primarily Democratic Senate in the 110th Congress session. Financial reform. A gift to the legal profession providing endless lawsuits and giving the FTC domain over spam complaints. Not saying they are bad laws just that you have made some interesting choices.


You can't convince the obama basher bots of that, if they could blame hurricanes and volcanoes on obama, they would...

Unfortunately the republicans have already blamed natural disasters on the gays.


Or the Bush bashers bots either it would seem. And in fact they have. Because he did not back their "Green" policies he caused disasters by asscoiaction.


You have got to be kidding me about the gay thing.  :lol: There you go again, religion = republican = whatever your personal evil is.

I did Google it before I posted this. Couldn't find one credible source to back up your claim.

The closest I could get was a campaign worker for Rick Perry who had a church on the side in which she claimed something of the sort.

She might have even been a republican but she certainly did not speak as a representative of the GOP party in her church sermon.

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It's called the "religious right" for a reason...


By whom? Themselves? And of course the next question, why?

Defining a majority by the belief system of a sub set of members sounds more like racism or slander in action.

As in "a gang member is white = all whites are gang members".

That's some good deductive reasoning there.


How about this, to demonize a group by picking the least understood faction of a group and then ascribing to the entire group all manner of of evil for political gain.

For historical reference of this principle in action please see WWII - Japanese Internment camps, Jewish death camps etc

For current political reference please see the democratic party and their public attacks on any other point of view than their own.

For internet reference please ensure that the wiki pages haven't been recently changed with inaccurate information such as blaming the Republicans for the ACA problems.





Edited by Strictly Street
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So you're telling me that the majority of evangelicals and fundies are NOT republicans?

The bible belt is NOT the republican base? The dark red states are NOT overwhelmingly inhabited by deeply religious people?


Yea, and most of the gang bangers in the ghetto voted for Obama. Are they better or worse than the evangelicals and fundies?

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Yea, and most of the gang bangers in the ghetto voted for Obama. Are they better or worse than the evangelicals and fundies?

I'd concur that the democratic base are large metropolitan areas, new york, los angeles, and a number of other big cities. The dark blue states are heavily populated and new england. I wouldn't say the democratic base is composed of gang bangers.

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I'd concur that the democratic base are large metropolitan areas, new york, los angeles, and a number of other big cities. The dark blue states are heavily populated and new england. I wouldn't say the democratic base is composed of gang bangers.


I seriously doubt that the large cities are full of "democrats", more like people that want free crap and or voted a candidate for the wrong reasons. As messed up as the Republican party is, I feel the democratic party is much much more lost and the furthest away from what they used to be.

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