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Another school shooting? Seriously?


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I've heard rumors around the office that it wasn't a planned attack but more of a confrontation outside of the school. I haven't found any articles that support this theory, but might as well throw it out there.


Edit: Looks like the 2 victims are a math teacher and the shooter.

Edited by DerekClouser
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All the usual stuff to follow. 

 - Identify the gun he used,(vilify it). 

 - Identify the process he obtained the gun whether it be direct purchase/straw/stolen/parents (vilify it). 

 - Identify the types of people who use the same kind of gun (vilify them). 

 - Identify any person who thinks that a human being might actually have a valid reason to own a gun (vilify him/her). 

 - Find some rabid/vehemently/militantly pro-gun frothing-at-the-mouth nutjob who says it is his right as a "Yoo-night-ted-stites citizen" to arm kindergarten kids with gatling guns then have Piers Morgan scoff at him on CNN as an example of what all gun owners are like (thereby vilifying them).


As long as we are careful to avoid any discussion on real solutions, we should be fine.

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