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NoNoise Ear Plugs


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I've been a strong supporter of custom molded earplugs.  They fit perfect, don't fall out and last a long time.  They can be expensive but you can find them for a reasonable price.


BTW....$30 for a set of those is not expensive, IMO.  I paid double that for my customs and have had them for going on 4 years now I think.

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I've been a strong supporter of custom molded earplugs.  They fit perfect, don't fall out and last a long time.  They can be expensive but you can find them for a reasonable price.


BTW....$30 for a set of those is not expensive, IMO.  I paid double that for my customs and have had them for going on 4 years now I think.

I guess I should say comparatively expensive compared to some alternatives. I use cheapie foam plugs that I get free at work. They work great but are disposable and I'd like to have a more permanent set.

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I hear ya Scuba.  I did that for a while also but got tired of carrying around a pocket full of them and even worse them falling out while I'm on the track.  Radians sells a do it yourself custom kit that's not expensive at all...as in like $11 on Amazon.





Edited by r1crusher
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Have you tried it? For $11 seems reasonable to give it a shot.


I have not as I'm still good with the ones I had made years ago.  But it's not like you're going to spend $60 to find out they suck.  I've pissed away a lot more than $10 on stupid stuff that got tossed.  Pick some up and give'em a shot.  I did see where someone use the Radians kit to make a set of custom ear buds.  Something else to consider I guess.

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i had some success with the make it yourself ones, but the second time i tried them they didn't harden and a bunch got left in my ears.  i should probably have gone to a doctor to get the remnants removed, but i said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck it. what could possibly go wrong?  many months later, my poor wife is still digging them out occasionally when she gets too disgusted with my ear wax to stand idly by.

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i had some success with the make it yourself ones, but the second time i tried them they didn't harden and a bunch got left in my ears.  i should probably have gone to a doctor to get the remnants removed, but i said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck it. what could possibly go wrong?  many months later, my poor wife is still digging them out occasionally when she gets too disgusted with my ear wax to stand idly by.

Next time mix them with peanut butter and then your dog can lick the leftovers out.

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I use the cheap foam plugs.  I can still hear my cardo but the plugs  still seem to eliminate the wind and road noise.  Weird, but effective for me.  When I worked at Clark Equipt back in the 70's they made their employees molded ear plugs, and they were great.    But over time I guess our body changes and now, they do not fit.  LIke someone said, you can buy a lot of the foam style for what a pair of molded ones cost and the foam ones are effective.

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i had some success with the make it yourself ones, but the second time i tried them they didn't harden and a bunch got left in my ears.  i should probably have gone to a doctor to get the remnants removed, but i said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck it. what could possibly go wrong?  many months later, my poor wife is still digging them out occasionally when she gets too disgusted with my ear wax to stand idly by.


reading the reviews on Amazon, it seems that many people had the same experience, and then realized that their product was quite old.  Those who were willing to give it another shot with "fresh" supplies reported good results.


I may give it a shot.

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 Can get a lot of Hearos plugs for 30 bucks....




I suppose I could be swayed if I tried custom molded, but what if you lose one?  I keep pairs of Hearos all over the place, jacket pockets, tank bag, etc.  Never know and if they get too goobied up I just pitch em and restock my pocket from the big box at home.

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Harbor freight foam cheapies.....$5 for a box of 50 or 100 or whatever.  Used 1 box all last year and they worked better than all the name brand ones I have tried.  Best thing about them; if they get dirty, just get another pair.


I've been tempted to buy one of the molded pairs, but I dont see the benifit.  Maybe if the foam ones bothered me, or fell out or something then I'd pick a set up.

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 Maybe if the foam ones bothered me, or fell out or something then I'd pick a set up.


I am a firm believer in if it isn't broke, don't fix it. I don't believe the custom ones are better at protecting you, I think they just fit some people better...don't annoy them.   The foam ones annoy me, and since I wear them all the time despite the annoyance I am getting custom molded ones this weekend. I will try them out at the after party so I don't have to hear Mags spew his liberal lies!!

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Next time mix them with peanut butter and then your dog can lick the leftovers out.

some times.... he licks too much out. too much.  I'll never get my jiblets back.


reading the reviews on Amazon, it seems that many people had the same experience, and then realized that their product was quite old.  Those who were willing to give it another shot with "fresh" supplies reported good results.


I may give it a shot.


i didn't check the expiration date, I ordered it on amazon, got it in 2 days, put it in and it didn't work quite right.  So unless they sent me old stock (which is a distinct possibility), that would be their/amazon's responsibility to make sure they don't send old stock that they know will not catalyze correctly.


the real lesson here is, don't jam it WAAAAAY the fuck in the ear like the instructions explicitly says to not do.

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