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Through the Never - Metallica


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I'll be the grumpy old fuck and say that anything they made after Justice is complete garbage.

The Black album had some decent stuff but after that, especially the last 2 albums are shit. James changed his singing style and he sounds like shit. They were much better when then were poor and angry. I haven't bought a lot of music lately...I'm tired of a lot of the garbage coming out...it all sounds like death metal with the "singers" screaming and growling. Megadeth's latest Super Collider has some good tracks and Anthrax's Worship Music is outstanding. There's still some good metal out there.

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I still listen to their old stuff, but the 'Some Kind of Monster' movie was pretty much the end of me giving a fuck about them.


James should retire and find something else that makes him happy.  That's what he wants anyway.

Kirk should start his own band.  They'll probably be incredible.

Lars is one of the biggest douchebags on planet Earth.  He is one of those people that is just really easy to hate.  He should suck on the muzzle of a loaded shotgun.  

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Background:  I like all Metallica stuff.  No, I am not a super fan.


I was kind of disappointed  with the movie.  The song selections were good...the vocals left something to be desired(even if it was "live").  The 3D was cool in the concert, but not during the story.  Speaking of, the story was stupid.  They should have went with all concert footage, or all story.  


I always enjoy Metallica, this just left me wanting more.  I would say rent/borrow/stream...but not worth the buy unless you have to own everything they put out.

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The Black album had some decent stuff but after that, especially the last 2 albums are shit. James changed his singing style and he sounds like shit. They were much better when then were poor and angry. I haven't bought a lot of music lately...I'm tired of a lot of the garbage coming out...it all sounds like death metal with the "singers" screaming and growling. Megadeth's latest Super Collider has some good tracks and Anthrax's Worship Music is outstanding. There's still some good metal out there.


Megadeth is AWESOME and I have most of their albums, Endgame is probably my favorite along with Rust in Peace! Yeah Metallica is not the angry band they once were, they got older and sober "money hungry too" I guess. Their sound is nothing like it used to be, they are a glam metal band now.

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Megadeth is AWESOME and I have most of their albums, Endgame is probably my favorite along with Rust in Peace! Yeah Metallica is not the angry band they once were, they got older and sober "money hungry too" I guess. Their sound is nothing like it used to be, they are a glam metal band now.


Hell yeah, Megadeth never sold out just to commercialize their music.  Rust In Peace was my first favorite from them, I learned Tornado of Souls when I first picked up the guitar.  Good stuff.   Met Dave Mustaine at Indy Speedway back in the early 90's, but he was drunk/drugged up and a complete doucher to me......but I forgave him anyway as he walked away

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I think "And Justice For All" is their best record. Hands down. I liked "MOP", "RTL" and the black album. I tolerated "monster", because I live with an artist and when they do weird shit.. I just shrug like "what else is new?"


However, "Some Kind of Monster" was the absolute end of any respect I had left for Metallica. I lost any love for the band after watching that documentary. What a bunch of crybaby faggots.

 I second all of this.  

Saw them on Monsters of Rock, and two or three times on the AJFL tour.    Have never listened to their release with the symphony, although everyone tells me its great.   Black album was the last one for me.  

Still a metal head (though I listen to a bunch of stuff).   FFDP rocks, though I think they've already run out of riffs.   The new Anthrax is good stuff (loved them with John Bush as well).  Pantera will always rule.  Older bluesy stuff from Tora Tora and Badlands.   Good to see that Jake E Lee is still alive.   "Found" a Great White song a few weeks ago, via Pandora, called Back to the Rhythm which I'm digging (esp the Youtube version with Jani Lane, RIP).  

All That Remains.   Bullet for my valentine.  Disturbed.  Drowning Pool.  Shadows Fall.  Killswitch Engage. 


I'm now the old, weird, gray-haired guy that shows up at the shows...but I still love metal.   I worried that I'd start listening to my dads stuff (Abba, Don Williams...), but it hasn't happened yet. 

Still good metal being made. 

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I second all of this.  

Saw them on Monsters of Rock, and two or three times on the AJFL tour.    Have never listened to their release with the symphony, although everyone tells me its great.   Black album was the last one for me.  

Still a metal head (though I listen to a bunch of stuff).   FFDP rocks, though I think they've already run out of riffs.   The new Anthrax is good stuff (loved them with John Bush as well).  Pantera will always rule.  Older bluesy stuff from Tora Tora and Badlands.   Good to see that Jake E Lee is still alive.   "Found" a Great White song a few weeks ago, via Pandora, called Back to the Rhythm which I'm digging (esp the Youtube version with Jani Lane, RIP).  

All That Remains.   Bullet for my valentine.  Disturbed.  Drowning Pool.  Shadows Fall.  Killswitch Engage. 


I'm now the old, weird, gray-haired guy that shows up at the shows...but I still love metal.   I worried that I'd start listening to my dads stuff (Abba, Don Williams...), but it hasn't happened yet. 

Still good metal being made.

Hey don't knock ol donny Williams that's good shit right there
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..at the Rock on the Range this year thank you!


When Megadeath was at the Newport several years back, Chris Broderick was playing the lead for them.....something I'll never forget.  dude is incredible!!!

Edited by Ron505
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..at the Rock on the Range this year thank you!


When Megadeath was at the Newport several years back, Chris Broderick was playing the lead for them.....something I'll never forget.  dude is incredible!!!


Chris Broderick is "unreal", he and Mustaine together there is no better duo IMHO. You realize how mediocre Kirk Hammet is after you listen to Megadeth for a bit, and same can be said for Slayer and Testament.

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I was done with Metallica after Justice for all.

For the metal fans check out Horlet



The Reefer Hut




I see what you did there... sneaky sneaky...

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Horlet is still in the cars cd player. Its good stuff. And for the Hut. Go see them!

I was done with Metallica after Justice for all.

For the metal fans check out Horlet



The Reefer Hut


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Horlet is still in the cars cd player. Its good stuff. And for the Hut. Go see them!

Hut is playing Feb 15 in Springfield at the Panama club and March 22. They also have a show at hanks pub March 29. April 13 at Blind bobs. April 19th at Zs in piqua.

Horlet is also still in my CD player.

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I was pissed back when the black album came out, Justice rocked along with every album prior to it. Ironic that Metallica started out setting trends in the industry, only to wind up trying to follow them later :nono: money hungry hacks.

As for that new Horlet album, it's still in my truck's cd player as well. Best metal band out of Dayton in a while. They've put together some good material, and sound good live too. I've known Eric Barnes ( drummer ) for almost 20 years since my first band, but he wasn't this good way back then LOL. Never know, they may get picked up and be on their way soon. We'll be playing some more shows with them this year for sure.

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