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I remember reading the ohio charters were in an emergency state because of lack of members and the founding charter is running them. I'd join but with the ridiculous requirement to attend as many events as they do, it's not possible, I have 6 days a week of work, a family and no idea how much actual riding time I'll get this year. If the requirements weren't so strict I'd join. I do like they perform background checks.

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I remember reading the ohio charters were in an emergency state because of lack of members and the founding charter is running them. I'd join but with the ridiculous requirement to attend as many events as they do, it's not possible, I have 6 days a week of work, a family and no idea how much actual riding time I'll get this year. If the requirements weren't so strict I'd join. I do like they perform background checks.


that and you ride a ninja... they would probably scoff at your application...

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I'd join but with the ridiculous requirement to attend as many events as they do, it's not possible,

It is not their requirement it is Ohio’s. For and MC to maintain their club charter members of that club must maintain and 80% attendance to their meeting and functions. Also the club wants to make sure you will show up when they need you. Ride clubs do not fall under the same rules.

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It is not their requirement it is Ohio’s. For and MC to maintain their club charter members of that club must maintain and 80% attendance to their meeting and functions. Also the club wants to make sure you will show up when they need you. Ride clubs do not fall under the same rules.

Volunteers are unpaid. I learned a long time ago when I was voluntarily organizing volunteers to run the concession stands at Aero's games from 2004-2006 you take any help you can get, now it was a little different because the groups who did volunteer got a portion of sales for their cause, but really when someone said they couldn't come until a certain time you didn't turn the away. If you told everyone who couldn't come every single time they weren't allowed to volunteer at all no one would ever volunteer.

I'd join if I could help out once a month but apparently they don't want help like that.

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If being a memer involves kidnapping and beating offenders, then count me in.


If this is the case, count me out.  I barely trust the police, and vigilantes considerably less.

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It is not their requirement it is Ohio’s. For and MC to maintain their club charter members of that club must maintain and 80% attendance to their meeting and functions. Also the club wants to make sure you will show up when they need you. Ride clubs do not fall under the same rules.

So...ohio has laws about motorcycle clubs?

This does not sound right.

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So...ohio has laws about motorcycle clubs?

This does not sound right.

Maybe he meant the ohio charters. But from the website it said ohio charters are being ran by the national organization

Ok it's been changed to say temporary charter since last I looked a month ago.

Edited by zx3vfr
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I was not looking to join.  I am working with a little girl that is out of the abusive situation but still has night mares and panic attacks over what happened to her.  The webpage makes it seem like they only care if they get involved when the court shit is going on.  We are past the court shit, and trying to heal and help her move on. She knows I am a bad ass and would drop her mum or dad if they ever came around outside the secure supervised visits, but she still does not feel safe enough.  I thought BACA might be help in that way.

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I was not looking to join. I am working with a little girl that is out of the abusive situation but still has night mares and panic attacks over what happened to her. The webpage makes it seem like they only care if they get involved when the court shit is going on. We are past the court shit, and trying to heal and help her move on. She knows I am a bad ass and would drop her mum or dad if they ever came around outside the secure supervised visits, but she still does not feel safe enough. I thought BACA might be help in that way.

And Job & Family services isn't also doing this? If the courts were involved, I can't see how a referral wouldn't have been made. Typically ongoing therapy is court-ordered.

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And Job & Family services isn't also doing this? If the courts were involved, I can't see how a referral wouldn't have been made. Typically ongoing therapy is court-ordered.

There is a reason court appointed therapists don't have their own practices and drive around in the same crappy car they've had since college.

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