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Gun Confiscation

Strictly Street

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NY State Police update NY SAFE guide, will not enforce seven-round mag limit

Following a federal judge’s ruling in December that the seven-round magazine limit imposed under the New York SAFE Act was “tenuous, straitened, and unsupported” and therefore unconstitutional, state police have updated their filed guide on the controversial law to urge officers not to enforce the arbitrary magazine limit.




The plot thickens...

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Now OSHA is in on the program.

No way to defend your company from this many federal agencies at once unless your Microsoft.


BOZEMAN, Mont - The FBI raided Bozeman based USA Brass Thursday morning. We were tipped off by a viewer who told us federal agents were on scene by 9a.m. Throughout the morning we saw agents from the FBI, EPA Criminal Division, and Bozeman Police come and go from the Bozeman business.

Around 12:30 p.m. Agent Bert Marsden identified himself as the resident agent in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency's Criminal Division in Montana.  He told NBC Montana agents were expected on scene through the evening, and gave a short statement about the investigation.

"We are investigating alleged violations of environmental law. An investigation takes as long as it takes, and I can't provide any details as it relates to that," said Marsden.




Going after the ammo manufacturers. Seems almost like a plan. Shut down all smelting operations, go after the manufacturers etc...



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Can't believe FBI is involved. Doesn't make much sense.

"You share in the NBC Montana.com community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" link if a comment violates these standards."

Thank God we don't have these requirements. That would take away all the fun.

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USA Brass Reopens, Investigation Continues


and just for fun, here's another over-whelming EPA raid that took place up in a mining town in Alaska... population 7 people



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Maybe and maybe not. The actions of law enforcement don't leave much wiggle room. If they come to your door your options are limited.

Insist on seeing a warrant?  Umm.. to what end? Just because they are there you are already going to jail. Warrant or no.

Refuse to let them in? Umm... don't think that will work. They will kick in the door and arrest you and add resisting arrest to the rest of the charges they file.

Start a shoot out?  Umm... don't think that will work. They will be better armed than you are. Re-enforcements will be available to them but not to you.

Start a standoff?  Umm.. don't think that will work. They will shut off the power and water just wait you out.

They come to my door, I'll show them my 22 pistol and my grandpas side by side 12 ga. Everything else was lost in a boating accident.

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Lotta boating accidents going around - lol.

Well as the story goes I was on my row boat eating a cookie with my guns, I got distracted and drifted into Canada and a Mountie on a horse that had water wings confiscated them from me.

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Well as the story goes I was on my row boat eating a cookie with my guns, I got distracted and drifted into Canada and a Mountie on a horse that had water wings confiscated them from me.


That just confirmed everything I feared about Canadian Mounties with water winged horses.  <shiver>  Next thing, they'll be tak'n ur jahbs!

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