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Its Kim Jong Un right?


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Makes you stop and think.

"The U.S. had better feel ashamed of the American-style election which decides everything with fraud and swindle and its dollar-almighty election system in which a duck on a pond can be a president if it has money, and

mind its own affairs before impudently finding fault with others."


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So the us political system is corrupt by money... Big surprise in a capitalist country that declared $=speech.

Corporations are people too, and in fact, you meet the nicest corporations on a Honda.

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Makes you stop and think.

"The U.S. had better feel ashamed of the American-style election which decides everything with fraud and swindle and its dollar-almighty election system in which a duck on a pond can be a president if it has money, and

mind its own affairs before impudently finding fault with others."


If by "duck" you mean "Kenyan Muslim" and "Pond" you mean Chicago, then I'd have to say that he hit the nail on the head.

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If by "duck" you mean "Kenyan Muslim" and "Pond" you mean Chicago, then I'd have to say that he hit the nail on the head.

Ah for fucks sake, another birther...

Who gives a shit which language he uses to refer to your imaginary friend. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, same bullshit deity, different languages.

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mind its own affairs before impudently finding fault with others."


I'm so glad they didn't say "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." 

Edited by JohnG
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He probably believes his own self-deception to such a degree, we can't even fathom his mental landscape. How many generations has his family ruled the country? What would it be like to grow up as a prodigal son in an authoritarian hermit kingdom? He just had his uncle murdered for being too uppity after mentoring the little shit, and did his ex girlfriend and her musician friends no favors after he took a wife (who probably gave in to paranoia and wormed self-preserving thoughts into his head during pillow talk). Psychosis is North Korea's national flower.

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Makes you stop and think.

"The U.S. had better feel ashamed of the American-style election which decides everything with fraud and swindle and its dollar-almighty election system in which a duck on a pond can be a president if it has money, and

mind its own affairs before impudently finding fault with others."


Good ol' Kim. Great guy when he's not killing family members. Who he really needs to off is his barber.

Oops. There I go again. Impudently finding fault.

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Comparing the failings and injustices of America to that of North Korea is like comparing an empty dog house catching fire to an orphanage being firebombed after the doors and windows being barred and locked, and then having the homeless, homosexuals, political dissenters and protesters and gun owners dropped en masse from the air into the blaze.

don't compare our country to that mockery of a nation.

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Ah for fucks sake, another birther...

Who gives a shit which language he uses to refer to your imaginary friend. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, same bullshit deity, different languages.


Ah for Petes Sake, Another Angry Atheist/ Agnostic Who Thinks I Shouldnt Believe What I Believe, And That He Knows All About All...

wouldn't Expect Anything Else From You, Magz.


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It's basically the original "Hatfield and McCoys". Just a lot bloodier and probably won't ever end. It's all Sarah's fault, too. I'm beginning to see a theme, here.

At least they were from different clans, these people are worshiping the same god, and bickering about who is worshiping it properly.

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Comparing the failings and injustices of America to that of North Korea is like comparing an empty dog house catching fire to an orphanage being firebombed after the doors and windows being barred and locked, and then having the homeless, homosexuals, political dissenters and protesters and gun owners dropped en masse from the air into the blaze.

don't compare our country to that mockery of a nation.


The US has firebombed lots of civilians.  Germany, Vietnam and Japan come to mind right away. I am sure somewhere in there were a few orphanages.

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Im Well Aware Of The Commonthread.

Is the same goddamn deity. The fact that you obviously hate Islam so much is just proof that you don't have the foggiest idea what it really is, or just how similar it is to Christianity and Judaism.

Please  Point Out Anywhere Which I State That I Hate Islam.

im Well Aware Of The Common Thread. 

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