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Dozen arrested in large fight at Akron high school


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Slaps on the wrist for all!

The problem with incidents involving 40 people is that all the witnesses plead the 5th, and you have a hard time getting everyone convicted.

This is actually pretty similar to how Allan Iverson went to jail. They'll look at who the "worst" kids are, and go after them for felony rioting charges, then give everyone else 4th degree misdemeanors (disorderly conduct) for fighting in the vicinity of a school.

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Security camera footage sucks balls for identification purposes.

If you have a witness who can put the subject at the scene and describe what he or she was wearing without aid of the video, and THEN show the video, it can be useful. Eye witnesses are almost always better.

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Security camera footage sucks balls for identification purposes.


As someone who runs a security camera system in a High School I strongly disagree. Remember, the staff knows all these kids and it is all in well lit areas.

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