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This weekend....a blog

Unk Greg

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This weekend over....out Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ride to dinner, breakfast, lunch things, 200 miles each outing. Weather was to be great....Friday evening, run south to old Canal Era village, restored and eateries there. Layered up as expected it to be coolish after sun goes down....wife on her new cruiser. Surprisingly, well maybe not so, the old Shadow has been sold. I barely got it pushed into back of garage and buried when someone called wife about it. Turns out several wanted to know about it. I voted for the blond, blue eyed soccer mom ; >)...itza winner. Hubby showed up on his big Beemer, and was impressed with bike...so itz gone. Thanks 2Tall for the "wholesale" price to begin with....

Friday we cruised along....momma adjusting to the new dynamic 750cc Shadow as I tooled along behind in 3rd gear on the Blackbird (60 or so). Pleasant meal and wandered back home in the twilight, ever aware of moving deer....I only saw all the dead ones....traffic has taken itz toll. Coupla roads closed due to high water, but nothing new here...what do you expect living in the low lands and having beaver building lodges. Momma likes her lites. Bike has a Harley-ish lite bar on it...side lamps to the central regular light. I just entertained myself by dropping back and zooming thru corners when gap presented itself. Can't strafe her anymore as the helmet radio is voice activated and mic picks up the motor noise and she hears me coming...maybe tole y'all about that before.

Saturday, a group outing was set, we were gonna try and catch them at the top of their loop. Never did find them, but enjoyed riding thru the state forest. Noticed I need to pay more attention. I come into turns at a steady pace and ferget she is cruiser....dutifully slowing down entering corner and picking her way thru it...so rapid closing in mid turn. Smile as I think, oooo, what if she was Rossi and I was catching him like this in turns on a race track....wish on. Saturday the state forest and scenery...lunch at a quaint town, more leisurely riding and desert at another quaint town...then cruise on with another stop for coffee. Momma enjoying her new bike with 3 and 1/2 gallon tank. The other one had a peanut tank on it. Looked nice size wise to rest of bike, but 94 miles and you would be pushing it to a driveway, or gas station. Not much range. So the new one with an easy 150 miles and still no reserve light shining. Great!

Roads we travelled in good shape. Found the occasional spring running across the pavement and some evidence of farmers being in and out of fields. Very nice weather and layers not really needed. The one small town got to chit chat with various bikers. Everyone out riding. One group was all family, the son was on the ... I bought it new in 1985, said dad .... Honda Sabre. Very clean bike.

Not sure why they stood up in the restaurant to watch us leave....town had lotsa and lotsa bikes.

Saturday was a good day riding, 1PM 'til around 7PM. Never did find the group I was looking for.

Sunday, late rising, out on the road at 10AM, thinking breakfast run. Wife says where? Looks like clouds that way, go away from them. So about 30 miles later, breakfast. We had to cope with gusting winds, clear skies, but i got pushed all around? Lean in a turn and gust straightened me right up....riding in a straight section and leaning while going straight. Wife mentioned she saw me leaning way over on the straight. Yeah, it'd be like I was up on the roof with a 4X8 sheet of plywood and the wind was blowing. I just planned on wind direction and stayed over in lane for when gust pushed me sideways. After breakfast pointed bikes home and looked for the sheltered roads to return home on...low under hills and lotsa trees between us and wind.

Arriving home...did some chores and....noticed...not so much gusty blowing...."let's go!" Off in yet another direction and warm with gear on. Road closed sign was a lie, water had gone down. Back home again (after an hour or so) and roasting in the gear....looked at thermometer and it said 84*....well no wonder!

More household duties, and then back out on the road...with less layers. Great, great weekend. I'm gonna hate it in the summer, when the lawn needs to be mowed...I'd rather be riding.

Curious phenom....the aforementioned family standing up to watch us leave...and I noticed too, every bike group we went by....like several sitting in gas station all stared as we went by. One guy on the road, turned completely around to look at us.....huh?

Wife said itz suppose to snow Monday, don't ride to work.......

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Hell you gave me $200 more than the stealership wanted to give me for trade.

Me and the wife were out riding too yesterday and I too notice people were just staring at us as we drove by. .weird.

sounds like a good weekend Greg glad you guys got out. Glad mama is enjoying her new bike and Old Yeller got a new home for somebody else to enjoy. Hard to believe that bike was a basket case when I bought it and the guy I got it from all but gave up on it, 4 months of work and a little bit of money and she has a new lease on life. My wife would be tickled pink to see it go down the road while we're out riding someday.

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Yepsir, I think new owner will enjoy it....they seem to be motoring folks....although I cautioned them that on their next trip out West, maybe go 2 up on the BMW.....what with the wee widdle gas tank. Still looks good, didn't even wash it from last ride.

Looking at thermometer...I got 68*, but it is raining....think the wife is lying about the snow?

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Nope! Momma was right...standing in the pkg lot and it's 33* and snowing like a son of a gun.....

More dead deer along the road coming home.....how hard do you hafta hit a deer to only have the front quarter laying in the road? AND that was on the Danville-Amity Rd.

Good thing I didn't ride the bike in, huh?

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Rode the bike in next day 65* going in. 36* at 5AM, gloves not working, so stop at Danville and dig the ice fishing gloves out of back pack. Dug out more gear to layer up even more. Put on rain gear, not raining, but cut the wind kinda thought. More deer, this bunch moving, meaning stopped on highway as the six of 'em crossed in front of me...a parade?

Better than the time outside of Danville when one darted out in front and the SV was sliding from hard braking and then the second deer ran behind me!

Onto happier things....riding in that afternoon, wonderful day...finding more and more road closings and motorists funneled into less and less roads. Lotsa law enforcement 3 sheriffs and a statie in 20 some miles....at least the statie was friendly....she actually got out of her vehicle and stood by it and waved at me. So I waved back and continued on. Nice lady I thought .... If I wasn't running late for work, maybe I woulda stopped and talked.....as I went by, she was even more energetic with her greeting, waved both arms!

Real friendly, I thought.....

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