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Most Embarrassing Two-Wheel Moment


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figured id try and see what this adventure bike stuff is really all about. thought i could manage crossing this creek i cross with my SXS all the time. 70/30 tires don't do well in mud, and it was a tad deeper than i thought.


Yeah I was waiting for this to surface.

Ok, my cb750 in its last configuration before being torn down for what's become an epic frame off. Had a set of tc bros forward controls on it. Rolled into a gas station on reserve, too close to pump. Right forward control peg found the loop the gas hose made between pump and nozzle. I did not notice, was too busy being cool. Bad things happened involving physics. I fled the site of the spill in search of another gas station.

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I was getting ready to leave a parking lot after making plans with a few friends and a girl I wanted too impress. I had pulled into a spot on an incline instead of backing in on my bike. I went to leave and use gravity to back me up and went to fast and dropped the bike in front of everyone, Including the girl. After that I told everyone I would be fine to pick the bike up on my own and told them I would meet up with them in a few. Very preventable, very embarrassing lol.

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Passing a semi on 271N on my Katana at a somewhat dickish rate of speed (20-25+ over traffic).


Throttle goes dead. Pull over to the side of the road -- glad for dickish speed as I coast around the truck with my tach reading idle.


Park, kickstand, Progressive on cell phone, glad I opted for roadside assistance.


God, it's windy out here. I'm getting pushed all over the place. Maybe I should put my bike on the center stand while I'm on hold.


Turn around just in time to see a huge broadside gust nudge my bike just far enough forward to collapse the kickstand and dump itself on the side of the road.


So many cars. So much embarrass. Why is my Suzuki Katana pink-purple chameleon colors, Lord?

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I rear ended a parked car.


 But I saw a turkey!


My first OR group ride was like a month after I started riding for the Ashtabula Bridge tour. I dropped my 600RR. Not once, not twice but THREE freakin times


And then your next ride you get rear ended because you got afraid of a car that was turning and there was NO blame for the person behind you.

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Nothing near as entertaining as y'alls but I decided to take a ride and remembered a state park I hadn't been to in quite some time.  I get there, take a walk around and relax at a picnic table overlooking the lake.  Quite the peaceful and relaxing stop.  Getting ready to leave, I gear up, back the bike out of my spot and fire her up.  Clutch in, down to first and it dies.  I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong and repeated the same steps 3 more times.  I'm getting worried at this point that my new bike has a serious issue and I'm going to need a tow.  I collect my thoughts and all of a sudden it hits me...damn kickstand is down!  Boy, I felt like a complete moron and who knows how many onlookers watched me fail over and over.

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Pulled into a party full of friends on my freshly painted bike. Roll across the grass to the sidewalk to park it. Touch the front brake on the wet grass before I know it I'm standing there looking at my bike on the ground and everybody is howling on the deck. Throw my arms in the air like Rocky and dance around like a champion. When else can you do?

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Nothing near as entertaining as y'alls but I decided to take a ride and remembered a state park I hadn't been to in quite some time.  I get there, take a walk around and relax at a picnic table overlooking the lake.  Quite the peaceful and relaxing stop.  Getting ready to leave, I gear up, back the bike out of my spot and fire her up.  Clutch in, down to first and it dies.  I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong and repeated the same steps 3 more times.  I'm getting worried at this point that my new bike has a serious issue and I'm going to need a tow.  I collect my thoughts and all of a sudden it hits me...damn kickstand is down!  Boy, I felt like a complete moron and who knows how many onlookers watched me fail over and over.



Be thankful... when i did that I had no kickstand switch... ended up bouncing straight around a corner when the kickstand hit the pavement... Right into someone's front yard.

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