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Looked like a novice noob got swollen nuts and cut loose. Hopefully he was being towed. Which org was this? STT or Moto or? Whoever was hosting the trackday surely gave that guy repeated earfuls, and may have even revoked his remaining sessions. I know the afternoon sessions with STT novice can get a bit crazy and really enable riders to find their limits early on. Some sneaky guys were passing in the corners, I would get setup to pass in the corner and just let them take me on the exit to play it safe.....unless it was turn 10 :D

I know I got roped into over riding the front straight at Putnam just a bit when a CR draft passed me. Spooked the shit out of me when he took my inside at the back half, so I had a quick little grass excursion at about 6" off the track around maybe 150, it happened just at my brake marker too. Luckily my marker was still plenty early, so the only thing that got wadded up was my anus for a lap or so.

Edited by Hellmutt
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As a CR in novice you should know what's going on in front of you and behind.

If I'm in same situation I am making sure nobody trying follow me,and if they try I slow down and point they need get back to their group ,and then I proceed with what I need to do.

Another question how come your group left without you at first place??

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I was kidding about cause any physical harm to someone, but you damn better bet that they would be seeing me in the paddock.


I ran a guy off in T4 at Nelsons and I was able to get a hold of the guys afterwards.  I did offer to help pay for some of his repairs but he didn't want anything and was very cool about the whole thing.


I think you should at least man up and go have a face to face with the other person.  In the end, it is all just a risk riders take while at the track.

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I had a guy last year try to run inside of me going into 456 at Nelson (really just turn 4), and he ended up over cooking it and in the grass when he saw he was too far behind to make it.  Wadded it up, but believe he made the next race.  I went to check on him, was totally cool since he wasn't going to land the safe pass anyways, and all was fine.


I know of some people getting into fights at Jennings as it seems theres about 1-2 incidents over winter/spring down there that are usually pretty questionable.  This year it was a good friend of the crew that usually goes down in a Dec. trip.  They had decided to combine N/I and make 1 big group in the PM as it was a slow day and someone in N T boned said friend going into 1 trying to "pass" on the inside.


Messed him up pretty bad and F'd his Duc bad.  Luckily he's since healed and I believe even getting ready to get back onto the track.


No matter what, in the end you have to 100% trust the people you race with, hence the reason all of us who raced together were uber close.  If you don't, you need to stay off the track, any doubt at all can get you killed.  Not that riding or racing cant in general, but doubting means you're no where near ready to be out there, especially racing.


I know 100% I could trust anyone I raced with and was close with, with my life.  Well except Hollywood, he tried to kill me in the shower once when I was gagging on his c**k.  Meany pants.

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Hahaha, you are one sick bastard!   :10:  And that's why I miss you so much.




Speaking of Jennings, ask OSUYZFR1 about those dudes down there.   :lol:  Apparently if some roided out dickwad shows you a wheel you're supposed to give up the line to him.

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Hahaha, you are one sick bastard!   :10:  And that's why I miss you so much.




Speaking of Jennings, ask OSUYZFR1 about those dudes down there.   :lol:  Apparently if some roided out dickwad shows you a wheel you're supposed to give up the line to him.

Yeah dude, that's what I heard, were they from Canada?  I know some of those dudes were shady.

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