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Whiskey Bacon Fuck Yeah


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Well guys, thanks for all the help on my bacon question. Gave me the needed ammunition to convince the wife, and today the kiddo had bacon and steak and veggies and yams. And she liked it.
In return, I offer you my favorite bacon recipe. I call it simply 'Whiskey Bacon Fuck Yeah' because this is the reaction it elicites. I'm gradually modifying it with the goal of being able to get drunk from eating bacon...until I get there, this is as close as you can get.
You'll need:
1 pound bacon
Whiskey, your choice. Bourbon is my preference here, it accents the bacon perfectly.
Brown sugar
Cayenne or chili powder
baking sheet
aluminum foil
If you have time, marinate the bacon in the whiskey. I usually end up making this last minute because that's how life is. It's good regardless.
Pour yourself about 1/2 cup of whiskey. Drink it. Pour yourself another one. Cover a baking sheet in aluminum foil...what you're about to make is the equivalent of super glue and you want to be able to just throw the aluminum away and have a clean sheet.
Take about a cup of brown sugar and put a good solid dash of pepper powder in there (I know...but trust me, that little hint of spice sets off the other flavors). Mix it up.
Take a strip of bacon, run it through the whiskey. Dip it in the brown sugar, get that stuff all over. Lay it on the baking sheet. Repeat until the bacon is gone or you're too drunk to continue. Bake at 350 degrees until most of the liquid has evaporated and the bacon is just starting to get crispy (you can flip it if needed). Rejoice, for you have just created an edible orgasm.
Sidenote: Some recommend cooking down the whiskey to remove the alcohol and enhance the flavor. What would Ron Swanson do? Well you can bet your sweet candied bacon ass that it wouldn't involve removing alcohol. So I don't do that. But there it is.
tl;dr most vegetarians didn't read this post.
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I fixed it for ya LOL! My riding days are over for now sadly. Maybe when I get older and grayer. I think my bike might be sold finally.

Why are you done riding? I must have missed something.

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No time, to many kids, work schedule, WIFE! Mostly the last one if it does not involve me and 5 other people she does not approve.  Only done 700 miles the last two seasons. Life sucks sometimes, but I am looking into off road with my boys so it may just take a change in riding styles?

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