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Politics and the Media

Strictly Street

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Actually that is the point. It _is_ a conspiracy. One that is now being uncovered.

The current administration has been caught suppressing the vote. Which can be argued to have effected at least two major elections.

Congress is holding hearings on the IRS scandal that Obama claims didn't happen. He said there isn't a smidgen of corruption at the IRS. We now know there was a widespread effort on the part of the IRS to punish conservatives. We also know that Obama lies.

These are facts and cannot be argued with. Lois Lerner is under contempt of Congress for refusing to testify as to who gave the orders. Again a fact. The implication is that she clearly knew that she was breaking the law and is now trying to take the 5th and not rat out her superiors.

The media is complicit by not reporting or under reporting this scandal. The pictures I posted show the incestuous relationship that the media has with the White House.

Your comments show your hypocritical attitude on this subject. If this had happened under Bush you would have been screaming bloody murder. Because it is happening under Obama you say it didn't happen. No wonder you denigrate any news source other than a party approved one.

Squashing dissent is not the mark of a democratic or even a representative form of government. It is the hallmark of a dictatorship.

You claim voter ID laws are racist and will suppress the votes of minorities and the underprivileged. All the while real factual disenfranchisement of an entire voter segment is going on and you choose to ignore it. Again, this shows your hypocritical attitude.

Freedom is the distance between church and state? Not true if you worship the state.

Link please? It looks like one IRS office in Cincinnati contested both conservative and liberal groups applications. Lois is obviously following counsels advice to invoke her 5th amendment rights. Those rights exist even when she is in front of congress.

Please link where there is any evidence of this administration suppresi gathe vote.

I will wait patiently. You make many assumptions and most are factually incorrect. Both conservative and liberal groups were "targeted" in this sweep. Most of your statements are gross exaggeration of fact. Please show your work here as any sentient being would challenge your previous screed.

Edited by mattm
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Link please? It looks like one IRS office in Cincinnati contested both conservative and liberal groups applications. Lois is obviously following counsels advice to invoke her 5th amendment rights. Those rights exist even when she is in front of congress.

Please link where there is any evidence of this administration suppresi gathe vote.

I will wait patiently. You make many assumptions and most are factually incorrect. Both conservative and liberal groups were "targeted" in this sweep. Most of your statements are gross exaggeration of fact. Please show your work here as any sentient being would challenge your previous screed.



Facts are facts, they cannot be swayed by your opinions. This is really happening, Should I quote the non-responsive "Obama " media?

And to add to your comments, it is not true that both were targeted equally. That is pure bullhlsit. They were not.


I am not "factually incorrect"  as you claim.


Read the congressional reports.


I am not lying to you, rather I am reporting facts that you may not have noticed about your government.


You can wait patiently or not I don't give a good shit either way.

Using magley tactics will only get you the same response as he got.


You are not thinking.and you are relying on "the media" to tell what is true.



Oh yea, please link to counting the hairs on my ass, or something, like that is as relevant as your comment.


I have to apologist for the last comment. it is un-warranted and just a bit sarcastic.


Remember, the topic is which media is not reporting the real news. Try google Lois + lerner + IRS

Look it up yourself. i mean after all why trust me any more than the lying media you and Magley seem to rely on?

One IRS office... Are you kidding me? Next you'll be talking on "The lone IRS agent" shall we discuss the "grassy knoll" after that?

Edited by Strictly Street
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