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dropped 2 helmets


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my friend dropped both of our helmets from his mirrors, i keep hearing from people to get them x-rayed if that happens? But i dunno where to get that done, do we make an appointment at the hospital for our helmets?:lol: but has anyone had experience with this?

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well what ive heard is that helmets are suicidal, that meaning that to protect you, they are destroyed themselves. kinda like the crumple zone on a car. so they say once a helmet sustains an impact that it should be replaced. not really sure who is to say how hard of an impact you need to really hurt the helmet, but it is your noggin its protecting.

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what do you guys think though? should i even worry about it? were having a debate here

im just offering up facts, dont really want to say one way or the other because i see a flame war on the horizon. i mean on the one hand safety is paramount, but on the other, helmets are pretty darn expensive, so that fine line between critical, and not critical impact becomes pretty important, as long as both of those things are of concern to you.

edit: take it to the airport when a friend of yours is flying out, and have him run it through the xray while you watch. then he can hand it to you from the exit.

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I will offer this advise and take it for what it is worth. A helmet cannot fall off the ground. (lack of gravity aside) Stop putting them on your mirrors' date=' seats, tanks and whatnots and you won't have to worry about them falling to an early demise. Like I said, take it for what it's worth.[/quote']

+1 You beat me to it. Yeah, only time they should be off the ground is when they're on your head or attached to your helmet lock when parked.

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Ok, a few things. I have worked in the helmet industry for over 8 years and a few things.

One, the EPS or inner foam liner can look fine from inside, but where it is up against the outer shell can be crushed. Helmets are designed to absorb energy and to do that, they disperse that energy outward. In other words, it's like a dropped bomb onto the earth. The impact crater is where the impact was, but the ripples go outward to keep your head from absorbing the impact 100%.

So, most likely, from mirror height, it has sustained some damage.

Now, if you ride on it again and it does have damage, but you can see the inside looks fine, that area where the initial impact occurred is now thinner than before. So, if it sustains another impact in that area, the EPS is thinner and will not absorb and distribute the energy as well and your head will receive more of the impact directly. Thus, causing injury.

Point is simple. If you are under a time crunch, lesson learned - don't do things that put you in a bind. Take the time and ship the helmet out to the manufacturer and have them test it. Most do it free of charge. You need to contact them and get the info as to where to send it.

An X-ray machine is most likely not going to see the impact area. Maybe it will and someone in radiology can tell us if it will see the shell and inner EPS well enough to distinguish issues.

Overall, it can look fine, but be damaged between the shell and liner. The shell is already compromised and if the EPS liner is, it is going to be an issue later. What's your head worth??

Another note is whether it is thermoplastic or fiberglass/composite. Thermo shells will crack pretty bad. Fiberglass/comp shells will absorb impact much better and flex a ton more. However, when they flex, they allow the EPS to absorb more effectively...

Get it checked.

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found it

Does Shoei offer any type of impact inspection service?Yes, Shoei offers a free impact inspection service for any Shoei helmet. To have your helmet inspected, please send it to;

Shoei Helmets

3002 Dow Ave

Ste 128

Tustin, Ca 92780

Attn: Inspections

Be sure to include a letter with a brief description of the issue with the helmet, as well as a daytime phone number and return address. Once we receive the helmet it will take 1-3 business days to complete the inspection. Upon completion the helmet is returned to you with a letter stating the findings of our inspection. Your helmet is returned to you if it passes the inspection or not. There is no charge for the inspection, and the UPS Ground return shipping is free.

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I will offer this advise and take it for what it is worth. A helmet cannot fall off the ground. (lack of gravity aside) Stop putting them on your mirrors' date=' seats, tanks and whatnots and you won't have to worry about them falling to an early demise. Like I said, take it for what it's worth.[/quote']

thats what i told him, but he took it upon himself to roll both of our bikes(mine was hanging on the passenger peg, i never move the bike with it on their though) but he putboth of our helmets on his mirrors. into his shop while I was in the office ordering the 'Za. I was planning on buying a new helmet anyways with my next paycheck.

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Here ya go, Straight from Snell; http://www.smf.org/

I dropped my helmet! Do I have to go buy a new one?Generally the answer is probably not. Helmets are one use items, but are quite durable otherwise, at least the ones we certify. Frequent dropping or spiking a helmet on the ground, or other hard surfaces may eventually degrade the helmet's performance. Similarly if the helmet falls to the ground at highway speeds unoccupied the owner must be aware that some degradation may have occurred. In general the real damage comes when the helmet contacts an object with a head inside. The Foundation recommends that if you are participating in an activity that requires that you wear a helmet, that you avoid hitting stuff with your head. It can be difficult to readily determine if a helmet has been damaged, and the protective capabilities compromised without a thorough inspection by a trained professional. Some manufacturers may provide this service or direct you to these others that can perform these inspections. The Foundation recommends that if you suspect your helmet may be compromised, then replace it. If the helmet has been involved in an impact while in use, replace it.

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I will offer this advise and take it for what it is worth. A helmet cannot fall off the ground. (lack of gravity aside) Stop putting them on your mirrors' date=' seats, tanks and whatnots and you won't have to worry about them falling to an early demise. Like I said, take it for what it's worth.[/quote']

but the ground is dirty :(

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