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MotoSeries 6-28,29 the return to PIRC!


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Ended up running 1:06s and 07s for most of the day. I want to go back and get my suspension dialed in better and see what I can turn.


I would get a decent baseline sag setup and call it a day.  I know there is a mental aspect to adjusting things for feel, but you can also adjust your suspension from "decent" to "scary" really quickly, and then you're going backward.  Give yourself a chance to adapt to the baseline, and stick with each change for long enough to really evaluate how (or if) it has made a difference.


One of the more impressive skills I have seen exhibited on any motorcycle is the ability to ride around setup obstacles.  One of my most humbling moments was trading bikes with a guy who was 4+ seconds quicker than me.  He came in and told me everything that he would change on my bike to improve the setup.  He was still only a second off his best times, and 3 seconds better than mine.  The setup changes may have gotten him that last second, but I was the problem for the other 3...

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He wasn't implying that you would run off; what he actually meant was: The bales were put out there for all the people you run off track with your scary passes.

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Face it Chuck, the guys in I just aren't ready for you to stick it inside.


I'm sure this post was made partially in jest, but I have come around to the less restrictive "I" group passing rules.  I think there are some scenarios where an inside pass is safer than an outside pass.


That depends almost 100% on my own confidence in navigating a given turn without lowsiding, but assuming I'm sure it's safe, I see a lot of riders who are unable to keep from running wide on their corner exit.  If I'm making an outside pass, that can leave them moving into me, rather than away from me.


It all depends on the rider and the scenario, but like I said, I've come around to intermediate riders having the option to pass on the inside when it's safe to do so.  I still question some people's decision-making abilities, but people have to learn somehow.

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Instead of always  making fun and jokes about me Ryan and Craig......... on a non-jokking subject, how about that expert plate in 'A" group for about 2 session that  got black flagged and moved to" I " that I lapped 3 times or more talking about unsafe for everyone !!!!!  Just goes to show you never know who or what maybe in any given group and plate color that means nothing......scary shit right there

Edited by Chuck Clay
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Total respect for Bill, but that was pretty scary with him in A group. I think I lapped him about every 2-2.5 laps. On a plus side, I actually saw him make a pass on someone during one of the races Sunday.

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Total respect for Bill, but that was pretty scary with him in A group. I think I lapped him about every 2-2.5 laps. On a plus side, I actually saw him make a pass on someone during one of the races Sunday.

No way.  Bill was definitely cool and major props for doing what he does at that age, but are you sure you didn't make this up?

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Instead of always  making fun and jokes about me Ryan and Craig......... on a non-jokking subject, how about that expert plate in 'A" group for about 2 session that  got black flagged and moved to" I " that I lapped 3 times or more talking about unsafe for everyone !!!!!  Just goes to show you never know who or what maybe in any given group and plate color that means nothing......scary shit right there


A buddy of mine used to be pretty quick, and then got slow whne he had kids and started crashing.  He moved himself down to beginner with NESBA, and it was the right call.  Then he went out and won some "senior" class races on his 748 (only registrant).  He had enough novice points from his 3 or 4 wins that they bumped him to expert.  As noted, he's at a Beginner pace. 


so I totally agree - the plate color is not a reliable indicator.

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No way.  Bill was definitely cool and major props for doing what he does at that age, but are you sure you didn't make this up?

Haha trust me I was in disbelief myself. Granted the pass was on the back straight at PIRC and he was passing a 250. But it was a pass either way.

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