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Ok, this is creepy


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Wow. Thats pretty crazy. The only thing thats goofy about these photos is how does anyone actually know what jesus looks like. This is just what everyone thinks he looks like.

Maybe it's because they have the Shroud of Turin to let them see what the J man looked like.


Now, I'm not saying the shroud is real. I actually don't believe that it is the image of the Christ. But people for many, many years have thought so.

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Maybe it's because they have the Shroud of Turin to let them see what the J man looked like.


Now, I'm not saying the shroud is real. I actually don't believe that it is the image of the Christ. But people for many, many years have thought so.

yeah goofy goofy people. That was proven a fake long ago.

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I dont know what to think. I am a complete skeptic about almost everything.. even religion. I graduated from a fairly strict university and was forced to sit through numerous religion lectures and I still dont know what to think. I want to believe in stuff like this because I know what the alternative is if I dont (according to the Bible). But at the same time I am also a big Biology guy and understand evolution works and that makes more sense to me than some explanations from the Bible.

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This thread has :boxing: potential probably. Right after the "goofy" post I decided that. :lol:


Nope, I think the shroud is actually the image of Jaques De molay. The last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

People can and do do stupid things in the name of religion. I try not to. Not always successful, but I try.

I just think that there is more to life than what we can see and hear. I believe that there is some purpose that we are all here.

I just seems like such a waste if not. If there isn't anything more, what's the point to putting up with all the crap that happens here every day?

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Back in the 90's the Church allowed carbon 14 dating tests to be done on the shroud. The findings came back that it couldn't be as old as 30 AD, that it was more like 1300's +/- a few years. This puts it within the proper time frame to be Jaques De Molay, but not Jesus.

Even Christians can believe in scientific observation. Faith on the other hand does not require proof. That's the definition of it.

For my doctoral thesis in divinity I wrote a paper that took the Bible and explained it in scientific terms. It actually all fit quite nicely to current scientific beliefs. A million years to one who is timeless is nothing but a wink of the eye.

The Bible was written many, many years ago by people who did not have the scientific understanding that we do today. Planets moving in the heavens and other astronomical events were viewed as the "gods". Man's limited knowledge at the time caused them to see the world differently than we do today. That does not mean that God was not speaking to them. It does not mean that God does not exist. It means that God spoke to man in the language and context that he could understand. He wrote the Bible through them, for them. We can still learn from it's teachings today. Written in modern English with modern meanings would still give the same message of hope and love. (No flaming there....already said that I was not pleased with what the church has done in the name of Jesus)

Why does the Bible skip over centuries of time in the very first book? Because it wasn't important at that time that we know how God created the heaven's and the Earth. It was more important that people learned how to coexist......something we still can't do.

.....and God said let there be light, and there was light.... = The Big Bang.

What's easier to believe? That a higher being thought us up and made it real, or that there was nothing but an extremely dense ball of matter that got all excited and blew up? Must have been one heck of an explosion to make all the matter that exists in this universe. Just look up at the sky. Most of the stars you see are bigger than our sun.

Read the Bible as a scientific book and look at how nicely it all fits. I'm not asking you to believe, but at least don't close off your mind.

Disclaimer: The above was not intended to incite a flamer war. I am not telling you what to believe or what not to believe. If you are an atheist, that's your choice. If you are of a different faith, that's your choice too. I am only giving you MY perspective and MY opinion.

Ride Safe.

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What's easier to believe? That a higher being thought us up and made it real, or that there was nothing but an extremely dense ball of matter that got all excited and blew up? Must have been one heck of an explosion to make all the matter that exists in this universe. Just look up at the sky. Most of the stars you see are bigger than our sun.

I'm not a religious individual although I do pray at night in bed while I'm laying there sometimes. I'm just confused when it comes to that stuff. We try to understand god, but it's out of our comprehesion. We're not meant to understand him in my opinion, he's immortal, we're just little mortals from his creation. But if for some oddball reason somebody believes an explosion created life is crazy. If that was the case, every explosion here on earth would create little people everywhere..:lol: If you do believe in the big bang...here's a question: How do you think that big bang existed? Who do you think created all those atoms, etc.? Everything has an Alpha. ;)

Disclaimer: I'm not going to fight either. Just wanted to state my thoughts on the subject.

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If I remember correctly first originally in the1980's and then over and over and over...

Then even if you want to ignore that stuff for whatever reason, any diehard christian should discount its authenticity since it would contradict biblical descriptions of multiple clothes to include a seperate one for the head altogether. Not too mention they are described as tightly wound around the body. Of course you would have to ignore the fact that there is no shroud mentioned in the bible to begin with in all that.

If all else fails you can look at it with a bit of common sense.

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