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How long before we adopt the Euro?


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You really think a one world currency is really that far off?

Absolutely... No different then a 1 world language.

The conversion rates are there so you are going to be hard pressed to go to a one world currency unless its mandated. Like I said.. you will never see it in our lifetime.

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Absolutely... No different then a 1 world language.

The conversion rates are there so you are going to be hard pressed to go to a one world currency unless its mandated. Like I said.. you will never see it in our lifetime.

very very well put... i agreee

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I am pretty sure that it is only countries in Europe that use the EURO so i'd guess that as the US is not yet part of Europe it will still be quite some time and even if the US were to think about joining us Euro's they would want the name changed to Americope or USofAandEUROPE or something just as silly, not that I am saying Europe is a perfect name.

europe_flag2.jpg See, it just not starry & stripy enough.

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We should change all the currencies to something like the Euro.

America should change the name of the Dollar to the Ameri.

Mexico should change their Peso to the Mexi.

Australia should change their Dollar to the Aussie.

Canada should change their Dollar to the Candy. (Well at least then they'd have something to offer)

And so forth and so forth.

One world currency? Who cares as long as .99 still gets me a burger at Mickie Dees.

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Actually it would be the Amero and it has been discussed by the heads of the US, Canada and Mexico, but that means we would be closer to MexAmeriCanada and that would be bad due to WE are the only WORKING country of the three and I dont want socialised medicine and free movement of illegal imigrants across the entire east and western seaboard of north america. Can you imagine the Coast Guard we would have to have to protect the whole thing! Mexican coast guard would be a Dingy and a revolver!!!! :beating:

White Castle is the BEST Bitches!!!!!

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Well with the depreceation of the dollar it won't take much for the governments to convince some people that the Amero is a good idea.

Some people who want the socialized healthcare and other crap like Europe will jump at the chance.

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I grew up on white castle because my dad has worked there since 1978 and has helped build and ship every white castle building since then. Yes the onion chips and the doubles with extra onions is the best meal other than the almighty Wendys tripple Quarter pounder!!!!

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Whilst in Germany on deployment, many soldiers said that they'd love to have a nice, thick, juicy steak when they got back. I wanted SLIDERS!!!!

Damn White Castle!! They must put drugs in them. Eat them by the sack and still want more.

"Nights at White Castles......I'm Drunk Once Again."

"Sliders are eaten, by all my drunken friends!"

"How I love them......Ohhhhhh, I love them"

Didn't know I could sing huh.

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a world currency really won't work. How would you satisfy an economy like say, China, where 10k yen get your a stick of gum, and that same stick of gum in America goes for 1/4 of a dollar? the base "unit" is too far off, especially with some african countries where they print 100,000 "unit" bills.

also that constant fluctuation of value between currancies helps keep the economy moving

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I was expecting $2.00 get me a coffee and some doughnuts...:thefinger:

I think doughnuts are free when you are on duty, with the amount of money that financial institutions make off of currency trade you would have some powerfull people against it. Then there is the matter of deciding on a set rate to convert your current currency good luck with that.

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I like to go to Tim Horton's in uniform just to mess with them. I'll order cookies or bagels or something. They always say....."do you want any donuts" with a little twinkle in their eye. I then get to say that they are profiling me based on my clothing. Funny role reversal.

PS, I do like donuts. Most cops do and will lie about it. Jelly filled for me. The powdered ones leave traces on dark polyester.

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