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Dog Shedding Badly.... Whats the best way to handle it?


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So I have a Dachshund/Chihuahua mix. He has always lost some fur but this year is uncontrollable. Like cant wear a white shirt around him or its completely covered bad. I bath him weekly and have tried the shedding brushes but nothing seems to help. So here I am asking the people of OR.... WHAT SHOULD I DO!! 

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Food and the furminator.... Don't give baths more then 3-4 times a year either... It'll mess up the oil on their skin. Nothing else, just wear clothes you don't care to get furry and know this is one of the perks to having a pup.

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dogs can develop allergies.  If the food change doesn't work, I would also try dinovite, and then consult a vet.   Dogs aren't cheap.


and +1 to the furminator making it look like something was killed in your yard.  I always joke that we have enough fur to clone both our dogs.

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If you change the dogs food, remember not to do it all at once, but mix in the new food slowly, in ever-increasing percentages.  Dogs tummies are sensitive, and an all-at-once cold-turkey switchover can cause bloat & other digestive issues.

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If you change the dogs food, remember not to do it all at once, but mix in the new food slowly, in ever-increasing percentages. Dogs tummies are sensitive, and an all-at-once cold-turkey switchover can cause bloat & other digestive issues.

Good advice to the normal perspective but I call bullshit. The MAIN reason they would be sensitive to diet change is BECAUSE they have been kept on the same diet their entire life. Excluding the one offs who might be allergic to something.

I change foods everytime I buy some.

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Good advice to the normal perspective but I call bullshit. The MAIN reason they would be sensitive to diet change is BECAUSE they have been kept on the same diet their entire life. Excluding the one offs who might be allergic to something.

I change foods everytime I buy some.

Agree. Your dog will feel vastly better immediately. Ear infections will resolve, dandruff will resolve, shedding will improve, and shit will be normal and solid.

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Furminator.  We have more dogs than your average redneck in Texas(double digit), and the Furminator is the best on the short coated dogs.


Diet - every dog will react differently to foods.  If you think it is a diet thing, talk with a vet to get their input, but TSC has some of the best priced dog foods for your money.

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We have a husky and he is shedding his puppy coat. Looks like police chalk outline every time he get up. We use a pet brush that looks like a small garden rake. We can build a kitten each time we brush him.

Agreed on introducing new food slowly, maybe a half cup at a time .

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