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Center Stand or not?


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To keep the center stand or not to keep the center stand; that is the question…


I’m finally getting into my Bandit 1200 project and I’ve determined that I don’t have the required space for the custom belly pan muffler idea (think Buell) I’ve been toying with.     If I remove the center stand, it frees up more under belly real estate that can be used for custom muffler and resonator chamber.  


What pro’s and con’s are there to removing the center stand and just relying on the side stand?


FWIW, I have a HF table lift and a homemade scissor jack for getting the bike and/or rear wheel off the ground.    I’m also planning on eventually making axle lifts for both the front and rear wheels.



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spend $50 on a crappy rear stand and just get rid of the center stand.


Mine makes noise every time I hit a decent sized bump, and it's hard to use anyway.  The only thing I kind of like about it is that it makes the bike more stable when my neighbor's kids want to sit on it and make vroomy noises...

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the katana's rear brake line makes using a rear-stand mildly irritating, but on every other bike I've owned, it was easier than a center stand, and didn't need to be carried around with the bike.


They are convenient if you don't own a rear stand, but I wouldn't say better.  /$.02

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If you plan on riding this bandit hard you're gonna want to upgrade the rear shock. A stock gen 1 busa shock bolts right in with a tiny modification of the airbox, but raises the rear end about an inch and makes the center stand useless....so upgrade the shock and ditch the stand.

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If you plan on riding this bandit hard you're gonna want to upgrade the rear shock. A stock gen 1 busa shock bolts right in with a tiny modification of the airbox, but raises the rear end about an inch and makes the center stand useless....so upgrade the shock and ditch the stand.

 I'm told there's already one on it (and yes, the rear wheel touches the ground when the bike is on the center stand)   


Thanks for all the input...the center stand will be gone this weekend.

Edited by imagineer
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VFR didn't have a center stand when I bought it.  Put one on for three reasons - oil level must be checked upright; chain maintenance is way easier; didn't need to buy a rear stand for oil changes, etc.

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Look closely at the shock...If it's a busa it will have infinite preload adjustment, not just 4 or 6 notches. It will also have a reservoir that sits horizontally at the top of the shock and the lug on the left side of the air box will have to have been removed for it to fit. The dog bones will also have been shimmer out with a few washers.

Never understood the leaking gas thing...I fill my bike on the side stand. If I don't over fill it, it doesn't drip gas. If it's just full on the side stand, it will be just below full when it's stood up straight and the gas levels off.

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Never understood the leaking gas thing...I fill my bike on the side stand. If I don't over fill it, it doesn't drip gas. If it's just full on the side stand, it will be just below full when it's stood up straight and the gas levels off.

Or just use your thigh and hold the bike erect! Regardless, don't need a center stand at the pump...

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