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How I spent my weekend


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So 3 of my 4 boys had football this weekend. I had 7 games in 2 1/2 days. I am sunburned, worn out, and so proud of my boys. My youngest won his first ever game in the flag division today. My 11 year old did great with a 1-1 weekend. and some great plays, a fumble recovery he caused. My 8 year old was my high light, he shined this weekend. Last year he was the team clown always getting yelled at never getting much play time and for the most part not caring. This season we worked hard over the summer he is now the starting center, and defensive end/tacckle. He did great with a long snap for his age and great blocking on offense, on defense he had three solo tackles, many assists and a fumble recovery. He was one of the captains at the championship game today, and played hard after 4 games in less then 24 hrs. I am for sure a proud Dad today and watched my boys develop into their own over this past weekend... 






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Good stuff!  Cannot wait to go to sporting events with my kid, hopefully races, lots of races.  Not sure how talking the wife into letting me get him into a dirt wedge car will go, but in due time....  Figure if pops and I just buy one she can't say no.  At least I don't think.


Kid looks like he's gonna be a bruiser keep him working hard and having fun!

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