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*Sigh* Best way to transport a non-running bike to a service shop?


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Long story short, I tried to install a shift kit myself and may have stripped out a bolt/hole the bolt threads into.  I'll be able to dig into the bike tomorrow and remove everything to determine exactly what the issue is, but I have a bad feeling I stripped some threads.


Can a shop tap & die a hole to fix it?  It was a shift kit designed to provide crisper shifts to eliminate second-gear wear & prevent missed shifts.  It involved a new spring & detent/rocker arm.  I took out the old, installed the new, and then went to torque the bolt to spec and it just kept spinning.  I may have cross-threaded it?


I followed instructions designed to install this without removing the clutch, which may have been a mistake :(


I'll probably end up taking my bike to state8 for repair, since that's the closest service department that I know of.  (Pauly and Hoblick are both 2+ hrs away).


Should I just call my insurance and ask for a flatbed tow?  The bike is at my mother's in Cleveland heights, and I don't even know if Riders has a mileage limit on free roadside assistance.  



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Torque wrenches are dangerous...


blue Loctite and "snug" next time.


Yes, a shop should be able to extract the bolt and re-tap the hole.  But really, if you were proficient enough to install the kit by yourself, I would wager you can do as good of a job at extracting and re-tapping the hole.  Just need to buy the proper tools (which will be less than the shop charges for sure...)


got any pics? 

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Pauly has picked up my bike in Shaker Heights for service for a very reasonable price. I'm sure he can do right by you. And Ravenna is much closer than 2+ hours away, he is barely further than State 8 from where the bike is.

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Whoops!  I think I mixed up Marietta and Ravenna in my head, when I was google-mapping.  Um, they both end in an "A?"  Stupid me, I've even BEEN to Pauly's before, and I didn't think I rode that far!


Thank goodness my Angel of Salvation is only 1 hour away in Ravenna and not 2.5, and thank you everyone else who replied... I'll definitely go over some details with Pauly before state8 (and hopefully instead-of).  This seriously ruined my evening last night, after this happened, and I've been in a "funk" ever since... You know know how it is, when you do something stupid and it keeps you from riding... And I have no one to blame but myself.



P - 


The instructions I used are here:




I didn't take many pictures, but tomorrow night I plan to go back & open everything up, pull out the parts and the bolt, so I might have a better idea, then, if it's the bolt, a bent rocker arm, or the only option left - The bolt hole.  I can try threading the bolt without the rocker arm to see if it seats.  If it doesn't, well, maybe we'll get lucky and this'll be the kind of thing that's fixable in a garage, and won't even require bike transportation.

here are two pics I have now... The removed parts, and the bolt hole empty.  I'll take more tomorrow night... The instructions will give you a good idea of the issue, though... Basically, there's a gear in front of the bolt hole that prevents easy insertion of the bolt :(
My level of frustration and desperation is at about a 7.5 right now.... BJ's don't start until about 8, but cash is certainly on the table :)



Thanks for your responses guys... I was worried for some reason that maybe the engine block material couldn't be tapped for new threads or something... I have a little more hope now that this is fixable, and maybe even reasonably soon.  

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Tap may clean it up, but worst case I'd wager you'd need to yank the clutch and gears to drill/tap/helicoil it back to oem. Sucks man, hate it when a simple enough task turns to shit in her hands. Good luck

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