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Held Titan Gloves Are Back In Stock!


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Riders Discount now has arguably the #1 pair of motorcycle gloves on the market back in stock and ready to ship - the Held Titans. 


This is not a claim that we are not just throwing out there. It is backed by a large number of independent tests from all over the world. The Held Titans were designed to offer uncompromising safety, and this becomes very clear when you read the list of materials that went into the production of this glove - kangaroo leather, stingray leather, Kevlar, titanium, and carbon fiber. Held could not have built any more safety features into their flagship pair of gloves. 


The first thing that nearly everyone notices on these gloves is the stingray leather (yes, real Stingray leather). The stingray leather found on to the major abrasion zones of this glove is something that you won't find on any gloves outside of the Held brand. Stingray leather is extremely abrasion resistant and it is actually slick, meaning that it will not grab or catch while sliding. Standard cowhide gloves can catch while sliding, which results in injuries from the hand flipping. 


Stingray leather is extremely abrasion resistant and very prominent on this glove. To give you an idea how strong Stingray leather is - using the same friction wheel, kangaroo leather is chafed through after only 4,000 revolutions whereas stingray leather was chafed through after 20,000 revolutions



From the end of the gauntlet to the tips of the fingers, the entire topside of each glove is lined with Kevlar. This is Held we're talking about, so you know they didn't stop there. The top of the hand is also guarded by a Carbon-Aramid-Kohlehybrid shell that stops where the knuckle protection begins. The knuckles are guarded by a titanium covered carbon fiber piece that is heated to just over 840 degrees F before being pressed into shape. Held also added shock absorbing padding for more comfort and extra protection. The amazing attention to detail that Held puts into the safety features carries over into all aspects of the Titan gloves.




Each Titan glove is made from 150 individual pieces and it takes around 90 minutes of sewing time to complete a single pair. This elaborate construction means that you end up with a pair of gloves that is not only highly protective, but also very comfortable. Helping with the comfort are the step seams that Held uses. They remain strong while never creating pressure points or interfering with the feel. Elasticated leather panels add to the comfort by making them flexible and giving them a broken in feel when brand new.  


Available in black...



and white/black from Riders Discount.



These gloves also feature a handy little shield squeegee on the left index finger for keeping your shield free of moisture.



If you’re looking for the best of best glove on the market today, look no further than the Held Titan. These gloves sell for $380 and Held requests that they be sold for no less than this amount. We feel that a glove of this caliber is worth it due to their superior quality and top-notch safety standards. You just cannot buy a safer glove. These are not listed on our website yet, so order your pair by calling MIKE at 866.931.6644 ext 804 today! If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot us a PM or send us an email to FORUM at RIDERSDISCOUNT dot COM, and we’ll get back to you right away!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Seriously, how cool is the stingray leather used on the Held Titan gloves?  This is the best material to protect against abrasion and is located in all the right areas. 






Give MIKE a call to order your gloves today!
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