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Drive thru...funeral?


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I think its kind of dumb and low class, but then again i think all funerals are all a waste of time and money. I told my family that when i go just cremate me and throw a party. Or use the money that would have been wasted on my funeral and take a nice vacation. This body is just a vessel once i die ill be done with it, it wont be me and i could care less what happens to it. But everyone handles death in different ways, some need a viewing and some need a service for religious reasons, just not for me.

Edited by 2talltim
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You don't want to hear my thoughts, but here goes...


"If you can't take 15 minutes from your busy schedule to give proper respects to the deceased, then you can fuck right off and die, yourself."


This is disgusting. Corpse on display, aside... which is fucking gross enough, already... the level of disrespect this shows is incomprehensible to me. Why even bother "swinging by" at all? Just carry on with your busy life and fuck the memory of your deceased friend.


Jesus.... :(

I agree with this too, the idea of a service is usually to pay your respects to the family not just to view the body. 

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I agree. The ONLY, and I mean this just barely, the only reason I could see is for those with disabilities. But even then I'm sure there's a way for anyone to go inside to the viewing. I think this just perpetuates the "I'm too busy for anything other than myself" mentality. Burger King "i want it my way"

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Word. I love that whole "what do you want to happen when you die?"


Like I give a fuck? I'll be fucking dead! Do whatever you want with me. :lol:


I wanna be buried (or cremated, dumped into the lake, whatever) with my macbook, my iPhone, and while wearing my Navy Dress Blues and my riding jacket!.  


All my favorite toys and pieces of engineering I appreciated, and all the uniform/clothing/gear that makes me look good!  ha!


Let someone else have my motorcycle, she doesn't deserve to die just because I'm dead - someone else can still enjoy her.

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