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For Gun Shop Owners, It’s No Longer Hip to Be ‘Square’

Strictly Street

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It’s white. It’s square. And at 1-by-1 inch in diameter, it is the perfect accoutrement to any entrepreneur’s smartphone.


With its quick swipe capability and ultimate portability, the high-tech Square Reader credit-card processor has become an invaluable tool in today’s economy.


Last summer, around the same time the U.S. Department of Justice’s Operation Choke Point began pressuring banks to drop customers who buy or sell firearms, tobacco and other goods considered “not acceptable” by the Obama administration, Square quietly changed its terms of agreement.


In an alert regarding a change of terms, Square notified vendors:

…you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities: …sales of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition; or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury.

More here: http://dailysignal.com/2014/09/25/gun-shop-owners-longer-hip-square/


Ah... The smell of hope and change.


There is a lot of bad press surrounding the "Operation Choke Point".

Edited by Strictly Street
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So, another company starts and offers service exclusively to gun stores. Free market, and whatnot.


Seems like it isn't working out like that. Govt is stopping it in it's tracks with "Operation Choke Point".

Makes no sense either to make everybody pay cash when you fill out the ATF/FBI paperwork anyway.

The goal seems to be to shut down businesses that the Obama regime doesn't like but can't legally outlaw.

In effect, the market is not free.

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What?  I haven't heard about this anywhere on the news, so how... can.... it.... BE?   They're telling us everything.  "Most transparent administration ever" and all that stuff.  

Gosh, I'm so tired of all the badmouthing of Obama.  He's awesome, cool, and a fair golfer.   I don't understand all the harshness.  RACISTS!!!!!


(We all know that Valerie Jarrett is the REAL president.    Obama is just the sleight of hand).


Time to cancel my Square service. 

Does Paypal have this same type of "exclusion"?  Hmmmm.  Probably. (yes, it does...).


I didn't see anything in the Intuit GoPayment TOS about "no firearms", but it seems that they do have this restriction in there somewhere.


I'm glad that SS brought this to our attention, but it appears that all the hubbub was in May 2013.  Regardless, I need to find a gun friendly mobile reader.  I don't buy or sell 'em enough to worry about it, its just a matter of principle.  


Boehner ads make me puke in my mouth.  

Edited by YSR_Racer_99
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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ... unless Uncle Sam decides otherwise.

The nice thing about executive orders (and other run arounds of Congress), is they can all be undone with the election of a new executive. Unfortunately, as a bureaucracy gains more power, it seldom wants to relent any of the new powers.

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So when you order from adult sites it comes up on your statement something generic. Couldnt you do this with the Square card reader.. make it for a generic company that all of your CC firearms go through. yea it would be giving them money yet and you would have the hassle of 2 companys but.. for some its the only option. 

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