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CDC Confirms Patient In Dallas Has The Ebola Virus

Strictly Street

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I doubt it too.  Haven't heard anything this morning on his condition.  Just that now Sharpton was going to join Jackson in Texas.......now there are a couple that, if they were infected, I could give a ratsass.....lol

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My 2-year this month gets flagged by TSA for the special pat-down and explosives swab, yet it's somehow cool for motherfuckers from Liberia to just waltz on in.

Being as this is the richest, freest, and best-run country in human history, I would say we command a bit of a buyers-market when it comes to who we let in our borders. In an environment where we are going to limit immigration to some number, Is it such a crazy thought to prioritize people who have a bit more to contribute?

This!! Couldn't agree more.

And Fuck that guy. Glad he is dead. If the hospital saved him, those infected motherfuckers would be sneaking in the US by any means possible.

Now cremate his ass and send him back to Africa in a coffee can.

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Fuck that guy. Glad he is dead. If the hospital saved him, those infected motherfuckers would be sneaking in the US by any means possible.

Now cremate his ass and send him back to Africa in a coffee can.

Coffee cans are recyclable, use something less than that, maybe a foam cup with lid. 

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Kelly: Southcom Keeps Watch on Ebola Situation

By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8, 2014 – The potential spread of Ebola into Central and Southern America is a real possibility, the commander of U.S. Southern Command told an audience at the National Defense University here yesterday.





“By the end of the year, there’s supposed to be 1.4 million people infected with Ebola and 62 percent of them dying, according to the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention],” Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly said. “That’s horrific. And there is no way we can keep Ebola [contained] in West Africa.”


If it comes to the Western Hemisphere, many countries have little ability to deal with an outbreak of the disease, the general said.

“So, much like West Africa, it will rage for a period of time,” Kelly said.

This is a particularly possible scenario if the disease gets to Haiti or Central America, he said. If the disease gets to countries like Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador, it will cause a panic and people will flee the region, the general said.

“If it breaks out, it’s literally, ‘Katie bar the door,’ and there will be mass migration into the United States,” Kelly said. “They will run away from Ebola, or if they suspect they are infected, they will try to get to the United States for treatment.”

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Yeh, and you can see how valuable the serum will be.....$$ka-ching$$


Now, assuming this is close to true, look at what the influx of those young kids this past year did to our inception centers.  Think of those numbers multiplied a hundredfold or more.  And those people being infected...or possibly infected.  Staggering, isn't it.  Of course these are worst case numbers, in the meantime maybe build that wall....lol....and once again our border situation comes to the forefront.


To be humanitarious or not....and are we really confident what we are hearing from the govt concerning this, to be the full truth?  That truth might spur panic, and that's going to make it worse.  Can't worry about it, life goes on and all that rot......

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Wow!! Didn't see this one coming:


None other than the Reverend Jesse Jackson appeared in public with Duncan's mother, raising the specter of legal action against the hospital as he condemned Duncan's treatment.


'He got sick and went to the hospital and was turned away, and that's the turning point here,' the Rev Jackson, a spokesman for the family, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

A lawsuit Jesse? Brilliant! Jesse as usual you get right to the heart of the matter.
Of course there is that one pesky detail of him not telling the doctors he had Ebola in the first place.
But I'm sure Jesse, you will find a way around that.
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Looks like CDC is a bit apprehensive...


"In the 30 years I've been working in public health, the only thing like this has been AIDS," CDC director Thomas Frieden said at a World Bank meeting in Washington.
The agency has predicted as many as 550,000 to 1.4 million Ebola infections by January.

I'm pretty sure they mean majority in areas already heavily infected. But those numbers are world wide.


edit: basically that is currently a one in 5000 of contracting Ebola for world's human population.

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I've seen that 1.4 million January projection and what I'm wondering is where does the number go after that? It seems like all the characteristics that let the disease get to that point wouldn't be any better once 1.4 million were infected...

As to the AIDS comparison... I tent to worry about about a disease you can contract without taking a dick up the ass.

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If those projections are based on Africa I wouldn't worry. I was in a relationship with a girl from south Africa for almost 3 years. She has seen things. She told me a story about going into a village with the w.h.o. to teach them about condoms. They demonstrated how to put one on by rolling it onto the handle of a rake and told them that if the men used them they would not spread aids. A year later they went back. There was a condom on every rake and shovel. There was also a lot more aids.

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In the same articles, it points out that the tipping point is around getting aid and treatment to at least 70% of those infected.  More or less, anything less than that is probably thought to be "out of control". Yes, "aid and treatment" means isolation and confinement.


A 70% would apply to each locality. Meaning out of control could occur anywhere panic and fear causes the infected to hide or run. Or simply travel about, thinking it's only a cold or flu. Currently why individuals with fevers or symptoms are being stopped and examined.


edit: Also why efforts to provide medical aid are on the way to the areas that are hit the hardest. Apply the 70% rule. It's relatively easy to kill or control. But it's mostly deadly and easy to spread. A nasty balance that people don't do well with in terms of behavior.

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Pop quiz for those of you with knowledge of the medical industry...... What's the first thing you learn? What do you repeat more than anything? If nothing else, what do you make sure you do right every time?

Universal Precautions. Period.

Is it effective against Ebola? Do we know all there is to know?

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Canada Advises Citizens to Leave Ebola-Hit Countries


Ottawa:  The Canadian government advised its citizens on Friday to leave the West African countries hardest hit by Ebola, while taking measures at its own borders to screen for potentially exposed travelers.

"We are asking Canadians living in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia to consider leaving by commercial means while they are still available," Health Minister Rona Ambrose said.


more: http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/canada-advises-citizens-to-leave-ebola-hit-countries-605121




It seems that the Canadians are preparing for restricted travel to the area. USA is not. Wonder why?

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Canada Advises Citizens to Leave Ebola-Hit Countries


Ottawa:  The Canadian government advised its citizens on Friday to leave the West African countries hardest hit by Ebola, while taking measures at its own borders to screen for potentially exposed travelers.

"We are asking Canadians living in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia to consider leaving by commercial means while they are still available," Health Minister Rona Ambrose said.


more: http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/canada-advises-citizens-to-leave-ebola-hit-countries-605121




It seems that the Canadians are preparing for restricted travel to the area. USA is not. Wonder why?



Because we are now the posterchild for political correctness.

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I was listening to an interview on npr with a woman training folks about to go to Africa to treat people there. She pointed out mistake after mistake these people were making. A few even made it into the treatment area without being fully covered. Most mistakes are made taking the ppe off. Can't touch the outside of your stuff bare handed. Basically she stated that your small mistakes turn into bigger problems trying to keep from getting infected.

Most of the mistakes are made without realizing you have done them.

These measures of protection are by no means routine yet here. I see more hospital staff catching the disease as we treat more people.

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Australia believes it's still too risky to send health workers to Ebola zones

Julie Bishop will not let the workers go to west Africa until treatment and evacuation plans are in place


Australia will not send health workers to Ebola outbreak zones until their welfare can be guaranteed.

Despite talks with European nations, the UK and the US, Australia has been unable to shore up a treatment or evacuation plan for its personnel should they be sent to west Africa, the minister for foreign affairs, Julie Bishop, says.


USA. John Kerry vows to keep borders open.


“We need airlines to continue to operate in West Africa, and we need borders to remain open,” said Kerry.

During a press conference at the State Department, today, Secretary of State John Kerry addressed the urgent need to contain the spread of Ebola in the wake of the first Ebola death in in the United States.


Kerry made clear that travel restrictions would not be part of the administration’s strategy in fighting the deadly disease.

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Boston doesn't seem like the patient is infected.

Five pulled off a plane from Dubai in Boston.

Another goes into isolation in Kansas.

JFK airport stops and checks 91 passengers.

Louisiana rejects disposal of incinerated belongings of Dallas patient.

Airport aircraft cleaning crews refuse to work in some places.

Canada warns citizens to leave infected countries. (Possible ban on air travel.)


Seems like if you have a fever, or look sick, you better just stay home.

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