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Polio-like illness claims fifth life in U.S.

Strictly Street

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Not sure this belongs in the Politics section but it seems to be the best fit.

Wondered when somebody was going to put this together. Seems kinda obvious in retrospect.

Last count was 45 states in about two weeks. Seems unlikely it would spread so fast by itself.




Yes, it is from a blog, not a "REAL" News source, but they, (The Real News) can't be that far behind them.



Link to Illegal Immigrant Children?

Enteroviruses commonly circulate in the U.S. during summer and fall. EV-D68 was first identified in California in 1962. Over the past thirty years, only small numbers were reported in the U.S.


The CDC hasn’t suggested reasons for the current uptick or its origin. Without that answer, some question whether the disease is being spread by the presence of tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children from Central America admitted to the U.S. in the past year.


The origin could be entirely unrelated.


However, a study published in Virology Journal,1 found EV-D68 among some of the 3,375 young, ill people tested in eight Latin American countries, including the Central American nations of El Salvador and Nicaragua, in 2013.  (See Fig. 3) http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/305/figure/F3




Though the U.S. government is keeping secret the locations of the illegal immigrant children, there are significant numbers of them in both cities in which the current outbreak was first identified, Kansas City, Missouri and Chicago, Illinois, according to local advocates and press reports.


CDC list of states with confirmed EV-D68 cases2


The EV-D68 outbreak was first recognized3 after Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri notified CDC on August 19 of an increase in severe respiratory illnesses. Four days later, on August 23, the University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital notified CDC of a similar increase.



The link.



Some other interesting stuff is in the article as well info on how to keep your kids from getting this virus. Or at least doing the best you can with it seeing as it mostly attacks children.


Ebola is getting the big headlines while in fact more people are dying from this one. That, and kids being paralyzed.





1) http://www.virologyj.com/content/10/1/305


2) http://www.cdc.gov/non-polio-enterovirus/outbreaks/EV-D68-states.html


3) http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6336a4.htm

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Now it's 6.


A Michigan toddler has become the sixth patient to die of Enterovirus D-68 (EV-D68) in the past two months. Madeline Reid was just 21-months old when she passed away at Children’s Hospital of Michigan Friday afternoon. A hospital official says the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed her EV-D68 infection after she arrived at the hospital for advanced medical care.



Tampa High School To Close Due To Sickness

The Cambridge Christian School in Tampa is closing their high school for the rest of the week due to a high number of students sick. One-third of the school's 240 high school class students have come down with flu-like symptoms. Cleaning crews will spend the next two days cleaning and disinfecting the school.





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Enterovirus D-68 (EV-D68) recently took a big jump and is in 40 states now. Hard to confirm the diagnosis it seems, thousands admitted with symptoms, but few confirmed to have it. It is in Dayton, Akron and Columbus. It arrived in Ohio in late September. Fatal complications would be swelling of the brain and spinal cord. It generally attacks young people between toddler and teen.


edit: I get the impression hospitals are not testing for it, only treating.


Most states with confirmed cases of EV-D68 have reported unusually high numbers of hospitalizations, but the outbreak may be winding down. Enterovirus infections typically hit their peak in September and decline later in the fall, just before the flu season starts in October, according to the CDC. http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/news/ev-d68-virus-confirmed-in-ohio/nhWYh/


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Enterovirus D-68 (EV-D68) recently took a big jump and is in 40 states now. Hard to confirm the diagnosis it seems, thousands admitted with symptoms, but few confirmed to have it. It is in Dayton, Akron and Columbus. It arrived in Ohio in late September. Fatal complications would be swelling of the brain and spinal cord. It generally attacks young people between toddler and teen.


edit: I get the impression hospitals are not testing for it, only treating.


This is the 'sleeper' of this years outbreaks.


Many are trying to connect the outbreak with the import of the 'Undocumented Guest Citizens' that the Obama admin has been so adamant about.

Doesn't help Obama's cause that they are hiding where the people are being shipped to. The lack of health screenings etc.

Seems to hit kids the hardest. The 'polio' aspect is kinda scary as well.

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The CDC denies any connection, noting that cases of EV-D68 have occurred in the U.S. for decades, having first been detected in California in 1962.

"There is no evidence that unaccompanied children brought EV-D68 into the United States, we are not aware of any of these children testing positive for the virus," the CDC told World Net Daily in an email response to an inquiry into the possible connection. (1)


It is true that EV-D68 has been in the U.S. at least since 1962. But according to a study done by doctors from the Division of Viral Diseases at the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases published on the CDC's own website, EV-D68 "is one of the most rarely reported serotypes, with only 26 reports throughout the 36-year study period (1970 through 2006)."


There's often a disconnect between coincidence and correlation. But we suspect that the jump in cases from 26 in 36 years to nearly 700 in one year coming at the same time as the open-border influx of improperly screened illegal aliens is more than just a coincidence.


(1) If they don't test for it of course it didn't happen.





Diseases that are endemic to other countries are not always the same ones that we face in the United States. This is a medical observation, not a political one, and it is the reason immigrants who enter this country legally face rigorous screenings in advance of entry for sexually transmitted diseases, active tuberculosis, new strains of influenza, leprosy, cholera, and plague.


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention require that all legal immigrants receive a medical exam. Proof of vaccination is also mandatory for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, haemophilus strains, hepatitis A and B, rotavirus, meningococcus, chicken pox, pneumonia, and seasonal flu.


None of these rigorous screenings can be done in advance of entry on people who enter this country illegally and undetected. And once people are detained, the screenings they receive are not nearly as rigorous or effective at controlling the spread of disease. This is the reason that we have a potential public health crisis along our southern border.

As many as 50,000 children, mostly from Central American countries, are now being housed in cramped makeshift detention centers by the U.S. government. Unfortunately, they are not being detained for the purpose of identifying illness, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement relying on self-report of symptoms, and many have already been sent to other states, where disease can spread.


Reports from both ends of the political spectrum. Kinda makes you wonder...

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We're not an isolated population, like a South Sea island being wiped out by the presence of European explorers. But it would be hard to deny that an increase of immigrants from a known virus vector location wouldn't have an effect. Aggravated by the fact that flu and entro viruses spread very easily.

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We're not an isolated population, like a South Sea island being wiped out by the presence of European explorers. But it would be hard to deny that an increase of immigrants from a known virus vector location wouldn't have an effect. Aggravated by the fact that flu and entro viruses spread very easily.


You say it much better that I did. :)

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