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Getting Gear Oil Smell Out Of Quilted Jacket Liner


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Just like the title says, some how my bottle off hypoid gear oil fell over and spilled maybe a half a quart on the shelf that all my pant and jacket liners were sitting on. My quilted touring jacket liner was on the bottom so it go all of it. Now ive soaked it in Dawn, Simple Green and sent it through the washing machine several times with various degreasers, detergents and hot water. I think ive got most of the oil itself out of it but that crude oil smell is still there, those that dealt with this stuff knows the smell i am talking about. I no longer  see or feel any oil on it anywhere, but that smell is over whelming, does anyone have any ideas? If it were my pants i wouldnt worry about it but with the jacket zipped up the smell runs right up under the helmet.

Edited by 2talltim
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Gear oil stains your soul.

Did you try the miracle cures? Oxyclean? Fabreeze?

Try covering in kitty litter over night. That stuff is pretty absorbent.

thinking about throwing it in a trash bag and empty a box of backing soda into it, and shake it around a few times, and let it sit a day or so.

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those where the first 2 things i used

If you get desperate try WD40 to cut the oil then use the dish soap or simple green to clean the WD40. I have done this for other projects that I couldn't get the heavy grease out.  Also make sure the water is HOT when cleaning to help break down the oil.

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2Ts:  You got yourself a mess there!  I'm assuming your quilted liner is nylon (= organic) which is gonna reach equilibrium with the organics in the oil.  You pretty much have a molecular bond there.  I doubt that anything water based is gonna get that smell out.  You might try dry cleaning, which is sort'a like dissolving organic with organic (Chemistry 101 = like dissolves like).  Or you could just say f'it and buy new.  Or, in the overall scheme of things, hypoid oil doesn't smell THAT BAD….

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2Ts:  You got yourself a mess there!  I'm assuming your quilted liner is nylon (= organic) which is gonna reach equilibrium with the organics in the oil.  You pretty much have a molecular bond there.  I doubt that anything water based is gonna get that smell out.  You might try dry cleaning, which is sort'a like dissolving organic with organic (Chemistry 101 = like dissolves like).  Or you could just say f'it and buy new.  Or, in the overall scheme of things, hypoid oil doesn't smell THAT BAD….


Well it's acually synthetic but not that it makes much difference, and yes its nylon. This last round through the washer with the baking soda helped but it also started to tear the stiching in the arm. So it's going to have to be good enough for now and start looking for a new jacket next spring. I can't complain it was a $50 Ironpony closeout jacket to begin with. 

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