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Suggest a nightstand safe


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Great neighborhood here too, and the house across the street was broken into 4 weeks ago.  To be fair, the place was posted for rent, no lights were on, and you could see through the windows that nobody was living there.  The crooks broke in through a basement window and opened the garage door, where they proceeded to load out all of the major appliances.

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Yep. Do what you want, but if a loaded pistol by your bed is the first line of defense in your home...you're doing it wrong. In my arrogant opinion, that is. :)

I have knives hidden in several areas in my house. I have a 9mm (no round in chamber but loaded mag close by) in the most common area I would be sitting at if someone broke in when I was on the ground floor. I also have an unloaded 45 cal in my night stand with a full mag close by. Not sure if it's the best way 2 go about it but I've went thru the scenarios in my head and that's the best way I determined 2 safeguard myself. Also I don't have any kids.

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only problem i see with those is you have to use a key to unlock it. I can just see myself fumbling with a key in the dark trying to unlock it to get to the gun

Only the coffee table uses a keyed lock, the night stand's hidden compartment just pulls open via detent. I agree with your opinion about fumbling around keying a lock in the dark coming out of a sleep. But a middle of the night, break-in induced adrenalin dump would probably wake you/your motor skills fairly quickly I'd imagine.

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Now what I would like is a cabinet like that but with a gunvault keypad on the back(hidden) so that is is still quick access yet secure.

It's been way too long since I took wood shop and all my recent experience is with lathes (not carpentry per se), but I imagine it wouldn't be too daunting to fashion a secret compartment and hidden latch onto a favorite table or cabinet.

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A little detent action on the underside would be cool. Wouldn't take much to add to an existing piece of furniture. I'd just be pissed if I remembered my gun was still inside after I sold the table on Craigslist. LoL

I was thinking the damned exact thing yesterday when considering a hidden spot under a couch - LOL

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