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CRKT M16-10KZ - Woot 15.00


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First impression of this one are pretty good. I was not so convinced about the safety lock at first but after using over the weekend i have come to like that. Had some problems with my old CRKT folding up while in use.

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The only thing I don't like about that safety lock is that I can't figure out how to unlock it single-handed since the leaf spring is so, so stiff.  It doesn't effect its use, but I can't open and close it on the couch with as much self-entertainment value as I can my other ones. :-)

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The only thing I don't like about that safety lock is that I can't figure out how to unlock it single-handed since the leaf spring is so, so stiff.  It doesn't effect its use, but I can't open and close it on the couch with as much self-entertainment value as I can my other ones. :-)

You can, just takes some time.  I had practice on my other CRKT and its way bigger, and I got little girl hands.


But yeah, this knife is legit, I like the size and the long pocket clip a lot more than my other EDC I was using.  Definitely buying more of these when they come back.  Blade is uber sharp out of package, at least on my scale.  And the tanto is legit, love 1/2 serrated like it is too. 

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Not terribly impressed by crkt in general. This is the 3rd knife I've gotten from them and while their designs are really cool and the fit and finish is great, I'm not impressed with the blades. a knife with a brand new factory grind should be shaving sharp out of the box. None of the 3 I've bought were. After some work with a Lanskey and some crock sticks I was able to hone a good edge out of it but I shouldn't have to do that for at least a few weeks of general use. For a $20 knife I guess this is a good value but I'd rather spend $40 for a higher quality. I don't think crkt will be getting any more of my business tho.

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Don't own any SOG's but now Im interested to try something from them.  Thing is for this price and a little elbow grease to get it equally sharp, do the savings outweigh the cost?  That's a serious question because I'm not real up on knives.  I mainly carry mine just in case, not using it that frequently except during race season, and even then, not daily.


I do know my Kershaw's I've bought from Woot, like the 1 ton, 3/4 ton, come razor sharp, except they aren't 1/2 serrated which I really like for EDC and they are much heavier and bulkier.


Is it maybe because it's 1/2 serrated they don't sharpen the first part as much due to taking more percision? 


Again, serious questions just looking for some info.


Like I see these Spyderco's and Benchmades for like $180.00, but don't get why?  I mean if I was like going Operator style maybe I could see it for military/police/EMS use, but as for EDC normal people why not get 10 Kershaw's, SOGs, and CRKT's for same price?  Again, serious question, since I'm not using my knife every hour, not that they are either. 

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My kid just got a sog tanto and it is scary sharp. It was $79 though, and the sog flash II I had was a great knife till the clip broke and I lost it. The crkt I got from woot will shave hair off your hand. But I am not liking the stiff opening and hate the lock. But for the money I hope it holds an edge, and holds up for awhile. One day I will get a benchmade and be done(till I loose it)

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My cousin has a benchmade, he loves it. Some of that price goes to the name but their blades are made from superior steel. My cousin has to hit his on some crock sticks maybe every few weeks with heavy use. Spyderco is also really really goof Japanese steel and they hold an edge forever too.

Look into a composite blade kershaw, they're around $60-70. The spine of the blade is made from a very tough stainless steel and the edge is made from cpm d2 tool steel, which is harder than the hinges on the gates to hell. They braze these two materials together to produce a blade that holds a very fine edge for a very long time but is not too brittle.

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Madcat you're asking good questions.  I'm pretty new to this as well.


I carried a pocket knife when I was a kid (back when you didn't have to be worried about school expulsions) but only recently started 30 years later.  I had completely forgotten how useful a good pocket knife is for opening mail and food packages, removing (larger) splinters, stripping electrical wires, cutting rope, trimming errant threads from clothing, etc.  It's also a little comforting to know they could be used defensively, especially in criminal protection zones (places with "no guns" signs).


A couple years ago I found on the ground a really nice 4" Spyderco folder with a sweet Japanese VG-10 blade.  It's too big for me to carry every day but it got me thinking about knives again, and I went through a couple cheep-and-cheerful ones before picking up a SOG Flash 1 with AUS-8 steel.  I paid about $35 shipped and I couldn't be happier with its size, speed and half-serrated edge (mainly because those serrations are excellent for stripping wire, cutting cardboard and rope).  Like CSC says, better blade steel, and things like G10 handles make the prices go up, but even if you're not a collector, the higher prices may be justified if the features, weight, quality and just "connection" in your hand say so, though I'd have a hard time spending over $100 for a knife, but that's just me.  Maybe I'll change my mind if I find one that "just fits."  Lord knows I've spent more on other hobbies for lesser reasons.

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I just sorta started collecting them. I've always carried a knife since I was a kid. My edc for years was a kershaw chive, good little knife. Then my wife got me a beautiful damascus blade folder with stag handles for my birthday one year. After that I just started buying them, mostly off woot or ebay. Now I have like 10 edc knives in my bedside drawer and a few antique knives my grampa owned along with one of his straight razors in my safe.

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Good responses, and that's kinda what Im looking for.  I as well just started to carry all the time as times have changed and I see the multiple uses of a good knife.  I've never spent more than like $25ish and had good luck I think so far. 


I've just always been curious why some are hundreds of dollars and I still have one I carried forever from Menards that was 7.99.  I think I actually did toss it because it was a frame lock and it stopped locking, although that might have been the CRKT Pazooda(I won't buy that knife again FWIW, not terrible, but both of mine the locks stopped working after about a year). 


I now love knives as well and have about 10 that I could carry from, then we have some old ones from all of our grandpas, along with the bayonet he brought back from WWII.  That one got missed during the families inventory when he passed and I ended up with it.  Funny thing is, it's still as sharp as one could get it, and I have never done anything to it since I've owned it.  It's still in his sheath and by the best for SHTF, I would NOT want to be on the receiving end of it.

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I had a spyderco paramilitary 2 but somehow lost it. I loved that knife and definitely been my favorite over all the cheaper ones I own. You essentially get better steel that holds it edge longer, Easier to sharpen, and is stronger. Build quality, lighter materials, and design is usually better. I'll eventually get another more expensive knife. Anyways, that's my 2 cents

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