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FCC approves net neutrality rules, reclassifies broadband as a utility


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And so it begins...




It's for the children or something... In any case the taxes are coming.

This is just the prep work of establishing a dialog or narrative to explain why we _need_ the new taxes.

Once the camel gets it's nose in the tent......

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  • 1 month later...


Really? Free for the democrat voting block? Sure. I thought so.

Who is paying for this? Chuckle, you are!


It's for the children of course, what are you a luddite? Shut up!


Your taxed dollars at work....

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Really? Free for the democrat voting block? Sure. I thought so.

Who is paying for this? Chuckle, you are!

It's for the children of course, what are you a luddite? Shut up!

Your taxed dollars at work....


I suppose one could see Acorn/Obama/New World Order conspiracy behind that corner but I don't think this is what you think it is.  Companies regularly provide discounted or free services to selected customers for a variety of reasons.  I work for an employer, for example, that manages some small business loans provided to low-credit small businesses.  We don't make ANY money on them, and in fact we lose money on the booking and reporting of those loans, but we do it for positive community service publicity that you can't otherwise pay a marking firm for.  Who ultimately pays for that community benefit?  I suppose you could say a penny comes from each employee, another penny from each shareholder and a penny from management, which adds a penny to the cost of other financial good and services, but we do it because we think there's greater financial value on the back side.


More-so with the Google deal, imagine that they'll not only gain positive local community service publicity, but they'll also get potential customers for their many other (for-fee) products and services, as well as secondary ad revenue and market insight.


It's not taxation any more than a CEO's bonus or a new data center or brighter product labeling is a tax on you as a customer.

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I'd bet tax monies flow their way. Infrastructure etc.


Maybe in the form of tax abatements or faster issuance of building permits, but less taxation and regulation is better, right?

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Does this include "residents" with Obama's increased vouchers  from public housing who've  moved into the middle- upper class homes.


Following some of the news feeds I'd have to say, no, it does not.


Internet is being seen, and or promoted as a basic "Human Right".

At least that seems to be the vector that is being used.

Whether it is or not isn't my point at all.


Rather that as soon as it becomes taxable, which it is now due to the ruling, it will be used as a political tool.

Much like, or come to think of it, exactly like the tax on your phone bill funds the so called free Obama phones.

Which, if you were paying attention was a factor in the last election.


Once a tax is vector is found by the government, based upon some "human rights" or "social justice" justification it will increase.

Furthermore once it is taxed, it must be regulated and policed. Bad people must be punished as well.

Then you get into that whole thing. Yep, the "thought police". Or what some call "Political Correctness".

Which as Charlton Heston said is tyranny with manners but tyranny none the less.


Time to put on the tin foil hat to protect me from the flame war that is inevitable when pointing out the world is going to hell in a hand basket inch by inch.

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Apparently there were subsidized landlines long before Bamophones, and probably subsidized telegraphs before that. Subsidized smoke signals... did they have politicians then? 


Also the Ophone  distributors spam craigslist to give out and charge back phones just like the relative home health care scams.

Edited by motocat12
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Predictably in a couple of years the success of the program, which by then will have many faces to it, will run low on funding.


It will be a crisis. Oh The humanity! And the tax will increase.


The same story as any number of taxes and the always predictable results.


Once it starts, it never stops.

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